
I need some ideas on this actually. These two functions return respective
data frames in spark structured streaming. THey are as a result
of foreachBatch()

I just need to be able to access the value of* status* worked out
in sendToControl() in sendToSink() method

def sendToControl(dfnewtopic, batchId):
    if(len(dfnewtopic.take(1))) > 0:
        print(f"""newtopic batchId is {batchId}""")
        *status = dfnewtopic.select(col("status")).collect()[0][0]*
        print("DataFrame newtopic is empty")

# need to access that *status* in below method
def sendToSink(df, batchId):
    if(len(df.take(1))) > 0:
        print(f"""md batchId is {batchId}""")
        df. persist()
        # write to BigQuery batch table
        s.writeTableToBQ(df, "append",
        print("DataFrame md is empty")

I know using global variable etc is not going to be viable. How can this be
achieved? At anytime the value of status is either true or false


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On Thu, 22 Apr 2021 at 10:29, Mich Talebzadeh <mich.talebza...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am dealing with two topics in SSS.
> Topic "md" returns market data values as per
>             result = streamingDataFrame.select( \
>                      col("parsed_value.rowkey").alias("rowkey") \
>                    , col("parsed_value.ticker").alias("ticker") \
>                    , col("parsed_value.timeissued").alias("timeissued") \
>                    , col("parsed_value.price").alias("price")). \
>                      writeStream. \
>                      outputMode('append'). \
>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>                      foreachBatch(*sendToSink*). \
>                      trigger(processingTime='30 seconds'). \
> Topic "newtopic" returns one row including status column
>            newtopicResult = streamingNewtopic.select( \
>                      col("newtopic_value.uuid").alias("uuid") \
>                    ,
> col("newtopic_value.timecreated").alias("timecreated") \
>                    , col("newtopic_value.status").alias("status")). \
>                      writeStream. \
>                      outputMode('append'). \
>                      option("truncate", "false"). \
>                      foreachBatch(*sendToControl*). \
>                      trigger(processingTime='2 seconds'). \
>                      start()
> The method sendToSink writes values to a database BigQuery
> def sendToSink(df, batchId):
>     if(len(df.take(1))) > 0:
>         print(f"""{batchId}""")
>         df.show(100)
>         df. persist()
>         # write to BigQuery batch table
>         s.writeTableToBQ(df, "append",
> config['MDVariables']['targetDataset'],config['MDVariables']['targetTable'])
>         df.unpersist()
>     else:
>         print("DataFrame is empty")
> The second method simply gets value for status column
> def sendToControl(dfnewtopic, batchId):
>     if(len(dfnewtopic.take(1))) > 0:
>         print(f"""newtopic batchId is {batchId}""")
>        * status = dfnewtopic.select(col("status")).collect()[0][0]*
>     else:
>         print("DataFrame newtopic is empty")
> I need to be able to check the status value from the sendToControl method
> in the sendToSink method. Note that status values may be changing as per
> streaming. What would be the best approach?
> Thanks
>    view my Linkedin profile
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mich-talebzadeh-ph-d-5205b2/>
> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
> loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
> from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
> The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
> such loss, damage or destruction.

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