Like to hear comments on this. Basically the ability to shutdown a running
spark structured streaming process gracefully.

In a way it may be something worth integrating in Spark structured
streaming. Much like Kafka team are working to get rid of zooKeeper and
replacing it with a system type topic.

I cannot think of any other way of shutting an event driven architecture
externally except by brute force Control c etc which may need spark process
aborted half way.



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On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 at 10:36, Mich Talebzadeh <>

> Hi,
> This is the design that I came up with.
> How to shutdown the topic doing work for the message being processed, wait
> for it to complete and shutdown the streaming process for a given topic.
> I thought about this and looked at options. Using sensors to
> implement this like airflow would be expensive as for example reading a
> file from object storage or from an underlying database would have incurred
> additional I/O overheads through continuous polling.
> So the design had to be incorporated into the streaming process itself.
> What I came up with was an addition of a control topic which keeps running
> triggered every 2 seconds say and is in json format with the following
> structure
> root
>  |-- newtopic_value: struct (nullable = true)
>  |    |-- uuid: string (nullable = true)
>  |    |-- timeissued: timestamp (nullable = true)
>  |    |-- queue: string (nullable = true)
>  |    |-- status: string (nullable = true)
> In above the queue refers to the business topic) and status is set to
> 'true', meaning BAU. This control topic streaming  can be
> restarted anytime, and status can be set to false if we want to stop the
> streaming queue for a given business topic
> ac7d0b2e-dc71-4b3f-a17a-500cd9d38efe
> {"uuid":"ac7d0b2e-dc71-4b3f-a17a-500cd9d38efe",
> "timeissued":"2021-04-23T08:54:06", "queue":"md", "status":"true"}
> 64a8321c-1593-428b-ae65-89e45ddf0640
> {"uuid":"64a8321c-1593-428b-ae65-89e45ddf0640",
> "timeissued":"2021-04-23T09:49:37", "queue":"md", "status":"false"}
> So how can I stop the business queue when the current business topic
> message has been processed? Let us say the source is sending data for a
> business topic every 30 seconds. Our control topic sends a one liner as
> above every 2 seconds.
> In your writestream add the following line to be able to identify topic
> name
> trigger(processingTime='30 seconds'). \
> *queryName('md'). *\
> Next the controlling topic (called newtopic)  has the following
> foreachBatch(*sendToControl*). \
> trigger(processingTime='2 seconds'). \
> queryName('newtopic'). \
> That method sendToControl does what is needed
> def sendToControl(dfnewtopic, batchId):
>     if(len(dfnewtopic.take(1))) > 0:
>         #print(f"""newtopic batchId is {batchId}""")
>         queue ="queue")).collect()[0][0]
>         status ="status")).collect()[0][0]
>         if((queue == 'md')) & (status == 'false')):
>           spark_session = s.spark_session(config['common']['appName'])
>           active =
>           for e in active:
>              #print(e)
>              name =
>              if(name == 'md'):
>                 print(f"""Terminating streaming process {name}""")
>                 e.stop()
>     else:
>         print("DataFrame newtopic is empty")
> This seems to work as I checked it to ensure that in this case data was
> written and saved to the target sink (BigQuery table). It will wait until
> data is written completely meaning the current streaming message is
> processed and there is a latency there.
> This is the output
> Terminating streaming process md
> wrote to DB  ## this is the flag  I added to ensure the current
> micro-bath was completed
> 2021-04-23 09:59:18,029 ERROR streaming.MicroBatchExecution: Query md [id
> = 6bbccbfe-e770-4fb0-b83d-0dedd0ee571b, runId =
> 2ae55673-6bc2-4dbe-af60-9fdc0447bff5] terminated with error
> The various termination processes are described in
> Structured Streaming Programming Guide - Spark 3.1.1 Documentation
> (
> <>
> This is the idea I came up with which allows ending the streaming process
> with least cost.
> Ideas, opinions are welcome
> Cheers
>    view my Linkedin profile
> <>
> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
> loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
> from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
> The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
> such loss, damage or destruction.

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