Hi Tom,

Persist() here simply means persist to memory). That is all. You can check
UI tab on storage


So I gather the code is stuck from your link in the driver. You stated that
you tried repartition() but it did not do anything,

Further you stated :

" The key is pretty static in these tests, so I have also tried forcing the
partition count (50 on a 16 core per node cluster) and also repartitioning,
but every time all the jobs are scheduled to run on one node."

What is the key?


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On Wed, 9 Jun 2021 at 15:23, Tom Barber <t...@spicule.co.uk> wrote:

> Interesting Sean thanks for that insight, I wasn't aware of that fact, I
> assume the .persist() at the end of that line doesn't do it?
> I believe, looking at the output in the SparkUI, it gets to
> https://github.com/USCDataScience/sparkler/blob/master/sparkler-core/sparkler-app/src/main/scala/edu/usc/irds/sparkler/pipeline/Crawler.scala#L254
> and calls the context runJob.
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 2:07 PM Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> All these configurations don't matter at all if this is executing on the
>> driver.
>> Returning an Iterator in flatMap is fine though it 'delays' execution
>> until that iterator is evaluated by something, which is normally fine.
>> Does creating this FairFetcher do anything by itself? you're just
>> returning an iterator that creates them here.
>> How do you actually trigger an action here? the code snippet itself
>> doesn't trigger anything.
>> I think we need more info about what else is happening in the code.
>> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 6:30 AM Tom Barber <t...@spicule.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Yeah so if I update the FairFetcher to return a seq it makes no real
>>> difference.
>>> Here's an image of what I'm seeing just for reference:
>>> https://pasteboard.co/K5NFrz7.png
>>> Because this is databricks I don't have an actual spark submit command
>>> but it looks like this:
>>> curl xxxx -d
>>> '{"new_cluster":{"spark_conf":{"spark.executor.extraJavaOptions":"-Dpf4j.pluginsDir=/dbfs/FileStore/bcf/plugins/",
>>> "spark.task.cpus":"16"},
>>> "spark_version":"8.3.x-scala2.12","aws_attributes":{"availability":"SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK","first_on_demand":1,"zone_id":"us-west-2c"},"node_type_id":"c5d.4xlarge","init_scripts":[{"dbfs":{"destination":"dbfs:/FileStore/crawlinit.sh"}}],"num_workers":3},"spark_submit_task":{"parameters":["--driver-java-options",
>>> "-Dpf4j.pluginsDir=/dbfs/FileStore/bcf/plugins/", "--driver-memory", "10g",
>>> "--executor-memory", "10g",
>>> "--class","edu.usc.irds.sparkler.Main","dbfs:/FileStore/bcf/sparkler7.jar","crawl","-id","mytestcrawl11",
>>> "-tn", "5000", "-co",
>>> "{\"plugins.active\":[\"urlfilter-regex\",\"urlfilter-samehost\",\"fetcher-chrome\"],\"plugins\":{\"fetcher.chrome\":{\"chrome.dns\":\"local\"}}}"]},"run_name":"testsubmi3t"}'
>>> I deliberately pinned spark.task.cpus to 16 to stop it swamping the
>>> driver trying to run all the tasks in parallel on the one node, but again
>>> I've got 50 tasks queued up all running on the single node.
>>> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 12:01 PM Tom Barber <t...@spicule.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> I've not run it yet, but I've stuck a toSeq on the end, but in reality
>>>> a Seq just inherits Iterator, right?
>>>> Flatmap does return a RDD[CrawlData] unless my IDE is lying to me.
>>>> Tom
>>>> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 10:54 AM Tom Barber <t...@spicule.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>> Interesting Jayesh, thanks, I will test.
>>>>> All this code is inherited and it runs, but I don't think its been
>>>>> tested in a distributed context for about 5 years, but yeah I need to get
>>>>> this pushed down, so I'm happy to try anything! :)
>>>>> Tom
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 3:37 AM Lalwani, Jayesh <jlalw...@amazon.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> flatMap is supposed to return Seq, not Iterator. You are returning a
>>>>>> class that implements Iterator. I have a hunch that's what's causing the
>>>>>> confusion. flatMap is returning a RDD[FairFetcher] not RDD[CrawlData]. Do
>>>>>> you intend it to be RDD[CrawlData]? You might want to call toSeq on
>>>>>> FairFetcher.
>>>>>> On 6/8/21, 10:10 PM, "Tom Barber" <magicaltr...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>     CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization.
>>>>>> Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender
>>>>>> and know the content is safe.
>>>>>>     For anyone interested here's the execution logs up until the
>>>>>> point where it actually kicks off the workload in question:
>>>>>> https://gist.github.com/buggtb/a9e0445f24182bc8eedfe26c0f07a473
>>>>>>     On 2021/06/09 01:52:39, Tom Barber <magicaltr...@apache.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>     > ExecutorID says driver, and looking at the IP addresses its
>>>>>> running on its not any of the worker ip's.
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>>     > I forcibly told it to create 50, but they'd all end up running
>>>>>> in the same place.
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>>     > Working on some other ideas, I set spark.task.cpus to 16 to
>>>>>> match the nodes whilst still forcing it to 50 partitions
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>>     > val m = 50
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>>     > val fetchedRdd = rdd.map(r => (r.getGroup, r))
>>>>>>     >         .groupByKey(m).flatMap({ case (grp, rs) => new
>>>>>> FairFetcher(job, rs.iterator, localFetchDelay,
>>>>>>     >           FetchFunction, ParseFunction, OutLinkFilterFunction,
>>>>>> StatusUpdateSolrTransformer) })
>>>>>>     >         .persist()
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>>     > that sort of thing. But still the tasks are pinned to the
>>>>>> driver executor and none of the workers, so I no longer saturate the 
>>>>>> master
>>>>>> node, but I also have 3 workers just sat there doing nothing.
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>>     > On 2021/06/09 01:26:50, Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>     > > Are you sure it's on the driver? or just 1 executor?
>>>>>>     > > how many partitions does the groupByKey produce? that would
>>>>>> limit your
>>>>>>     > > parallelism no matter what if it's a small number.
>>>>>>     > >
>>>>>>     > > On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 8:07 PM Tom Barber <
>>>>>> magicaltr...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>     > >
>>>>>>     > > > Hi folks,
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > > Hopefully someone with more Spark experience than me can
>>>>>> explain this a
>>>>>>     > > > bit.
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > > I dont' know if this is possible, impossible or just an old
>>>>>> design that
>>>>>>     > > > could be better.
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > > I'm running Sparkler as a spark-submit job on a databricks
>>>>>> spark cluster
>>>>>>     > > > and its getting to this point in the code(
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>> https://github.com/USCDataScience/sparkler/blob/master/sparkler-core/sparkler-app/src/main/scala/edu/usc/irds/sparkler/pipeline/Crawler.scala#L222-L226
>>>>>>     > > > )
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > > val fetchedRdd = rdd.map(r => (r.getGroup, r))
>>>>>>     > > >         .groupByKey()
>>>>>>     > > >         .flatMap({ case (grp, rs) => new FairFetcher(job,
>>>>>> rs.iterator,
>>>>>>     > > > localFetchDelay,
>>>>>>     > > >           FetchFunction, ParseFunction,
>>>>>> OutLinkFilterFunction,
>>>>>>     > > > StatusUpdateSolrTransformer) })
>>>>>>     > > >         .persist()
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > > This basically takes the RDD and then runs a web based
>>>>>> crawl over each RDD
>>>>>>     > > > and returns the results. But when Spark executes it, it
>>>>>> runs all the crawls
>>>>>>     > > > on the driver node and doesn't distribute them.
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > > The key is pretty static in these tests, so I have also
>>>>>> tried forcing the
>>>>>>     > > > partition count (50 on a 16 core per node cluster) and also
>>>>>> repartitioning,
>>>>>>     > > > but every time all the jobs are scheduled to run on one
>>>>>> node.
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > > What can I do better to distribute the tasks? Because the
>>>>>> processing of
>>>>>>     > > > the data in the RDD isn't the bottleneck, the fetching of
>>>>>> the crawl data is
>>>>>>     > > > the bottleneck, but that happens after the code has been
>>>>>> assigned to a node.
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > > Thanks
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > > Tom
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > >
>>>>>>     > > >
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>>>>>>     > >
>>>>>>     >
>>>>>>     >
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