Hi all,

I am intending to create a docker image with Python 3.1.1 and Java 8 to
include Python libraries  for Data Science. Other versions with Java 11
will come later. The build process is automated with specific dockerfiles
for different purposes.

I am intending to install the following packages as first cut. The aim is
to eventually release these docker images as part of spark docker and
Kubernetes offerings. The medium to be released whether it be Spark
download site or other docker image maintainers to be decided and agreed.

Anyway these are the packages I am proposing to add for now:

   1. PyTorch
   2. Caffe
   3. TensorFlow
   4. Theano
   5. Pandas
   6. Keras
   7. NumPy
   8. SciPy
   9. Scrapy
   10. SciKit-Learn
   11. XGBoost
   12. Matplotlib
   13. Seaborn
   14. Bokeh
   15. Plotly
   16. pydot
   17. Statsmodels

Please suggest if you want another package to be added.



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