
The file stream sink maintains the metadata in the output directory. The
metadata retains the list of files written by the streaming query, and
Spark reads the metadata on listing the files to read.

This is to guarantee end-to-end exactly once on writing files in the
streaming query. There could be failure on the streaming query and some
files may be partially written. Metadata will help to skip reading these
files and only read files which are correctly written.

This leads to a major restriction, you can't write the output directory
from multiple queries. For your case, Spark will only read the files which
are written from the streaming query.

There are 3rd party projects dealing with transactional write from multiple
writes, (alphabetically) Apache Iceberg, Delta Lake, and so on. You may
want to check them out.

Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 10:04 PM <eugen.wintersber...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
>   I recently stumbled about a rather strange  problem with streaming
> sources in one of my tests. I am writing a Parquet file from a streaming
> source and subsequently try to append the same data but this time from a
> static dataframe. Surprisingly, the number of rows in the Parquet file
> remains the same after the append operation.
> Here is the relevant code
>   "Appending data from static dataframe" must "produce twice as much data" in 
> {
>     logLinesStream.writeStream
>       .format("parquet")
>       .option("path", path.toString)
>       .outputMode("append")
>       .start()
>       .processAllAvailable()
>     spark.read.format("parquet").load(path.toString).count mustBe 1159
>     logLinesDF.write.format("parquet").mode("append").save(path.toString)
>     spark.read.format("parquet").load(path.toString).count mustBe 2*1159
>   }
> Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong here?
> thanks in advance
>  Eugen Wintersberger

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