
Airflow is nothing but a new version of cron on linux with dag dependency.
What operator in airflow are you using to submit your spark-submit for
example BashOperator?

Can you actually run the command outside of airflow by submitting
spark-submit to K8s cluster? Is that GKE cluster or something else?


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On Thu, 14 Oct 2021 at 14:02, Nick Shivhare <nickshivhare...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> We are facing an issue and would be thankful if anyone can help us on
> this issue.
> Environment: Spark, Kubernetes and Airflow.
> Airflow is used to schedule job spark job over kubernetes.
> We are using bash script which is using spark submit command to submit
> spark jobs.
> Issue:
> We are submitting spark job through airflow in a *cluster mode*. However,
> when the job is completed and executors are closed, airflow is not able to
> schedule another job.
> As per our investigation, we found that jobs are completed but spark
> submit command in our script is not able to exit and continuously running
> with following logs:
> 21/10/12 08:54:26 INFO LoggingPodStatusWatcherImpl: Application status for
> spark-3f914f93ad684743b1a7b17aa26b4329 (phase: Running)
> In order to confirm this issue is not from the airflow side, we tried to
> kill spark submit command and it was able to schedule another job so our
> observation is that somehow after completion of job spark-submit script is
> not able to exit and still running.
> FYI we have closed the spark session already in our code.
> One of the weird observations was that it is running completely fine in
> local mode and we are checking for client mode presently.
> Would be thankful if you can guide us on this?
> Thanks,
> Shishir

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