Hi experts,

I am just get started using spark and scala.

I am confused how to read local files.

I run a spark cluster using docker-compose. There are one master and 2 worker 
nodes. I think this cluster is so-called standalone cluster.

I am trying to submit a simple task to this cluster by this command

spark-submit --class example.SimpleApp --master spark://localhost:7077 
simple-project_2.12-1.0.jar file:///tmp/sharefiles/README.md

This is my test result.

Case 1:

I mount local(my Mac desktop) /tmp/sharefiles to each worker. It works fine.  
That’s /tmp/sharefiles/README.md should exists both on my local desktop and 
worker machine.

Othere cases all failed to read.

Isn’t it?

Why my local desktop need have this file?  How can I remove this limitation. 
For My understanding, file:///xxx should only need exist on worker node.


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