Hi Sean,

I have had a more detailed look at what Spark is doing with log4 APIs and at 
this point I suspect that a logj 2.x migration might be more appropriate at the 
code level.

That still does not solve the libraries issue though. That would need more 

I could be tempted to tackle it if there is enough interest.


Steve C

On 10 Nov 2021, at 9:42 am, Sean Owen 
<sro...@gmail.com<mailto:sro...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Yep that's what I tried, roughly - there is an old jira about it. The issue is 
that Spark does need to configure some concrete logging framework in a few 
cases, as do other libs, and that isn't what the shims cover. Could be possible 
now or with more cleverness but the simple thing didn't work out IIRC.

On Tue, Nov 9, 2021, 4:32 PM Stephen Coy 
<s...@infomedia.com.au<mailto:s...@infomedia.com.au>> wrote:
Hi there,

It’s true that the preponderance of log4j 1.2.x in many existing live projects 
is kind of a pain in the butt.

But there is a solution.

1. Migrate all Spark code to use slf4j APIs;

2. Exclude log4j 1.2.x from any dependencies sucking it in;

3. Include the log4j-over-slf4j bridge jar and slf4j-api jars;

4. Choose your favourite modern logging implementation and add it as a 
“runtime" dependency together with it’s slf4j binding jar (if needed).

In fact in the short term you can replace steps 1 and 2 with "remove the log4j 
1.2.17 jar from the distribution" and it should still work.

The slf4j project also includes a commons-logging shim for capturing its output 

FWIW, the slf4j project is run by one of the original log4j developers.


Steve C

On 9 Nov 2021, at 11:11 pm, Sean Owen 
<sro...@gmail.com<mailto:sro...@gmail.com>> wrote:

No plans that I know of. It's not that Spark uses it so much as its 
dependencies. I tried and failed to upgrade it a couple years ago. you are 
welcome to try, and open a PR if successful.

On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 6:09 AM Ajay Kumar 
<ajay.praja...@gmail.com<mailto:ajay.praja...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Team,
We wanted to send Spark executor logs to a centralized logging server using TCP 
Socket. I see that the spark log4j version is very old(1.2.17) and it does not 
support JSON logs over tcp sockets on containers.
I wanted to konw what is the plan for upgrading the log4j version to log4j2.
Thanks in advance.

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