Hi Sean,

Apologies for the delayed reply. I've been away on vacation and then busy catching up afterwards.

Regarding the evalution using MulticlassClassificationEvaluator: This is a about a sequence labeling task to identify specific non-standard named entities. The training and evaluation data is in CoNLL format. The training works all fine, using the categorical labels for the NEs. In order to use the MulticlassClassificationEvaluator, however, I need to convert these to floats. This is possible and also works fine, it is just inconvenient having to do the extra step. I would have expected the MulticlassClassificationEvaluator to be able to use the labels directly.

I will try to create and propose a code change in this regard, if or when I find the time.



Am 2021-10-25 14:31, schrieb Sean Owen:

I don't think the question is representation as double. The question is how this output represents a label? This looks like the result of an annotator. What are you classifying? you need, first, ground truth and prediction somewhere to use any utility to assess classification metrics.

On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 5:42 AM <mar...@wunderlich.com> wrote:


I am using SparkNLP to do some NER. The result datastructure after training and classification is a Dataset<Row>, with one column each for labels and predictions. For evaluating the model, I would like to use the Spark ML class org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.MulticlassClassificationEvaluator. However, this evaluator expects labels as double numbers. In the case of an NER task, the results in my case are of type array<struct<annotatorType:string,begin:int,end:int,result:string,metadata:map<string,string>,embeddings:array<float>>>.

It would be possible, of course, to convert this format to the required doubles. But is there a way to easily apply MulticlassClassificationEvaluator to the NER task or is there maybe a better evaluator? I haven't found anything yet (neither in Spark ML nor in SparkNLP).

Thanks a lot.



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