What is the vulnerability and does it affect Spark? what is the remediation?
Can you try updating these and open a pull request if it works?

On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 7:28 AM vinodh palanisamy <vinodhpalan...@gmail.com>

> Hi Team,
>           We are using spark-core_2.13:3.2.1 in our project. Where in that
> version Blackduck scan reports the below the js files as vulnerable.
> dataTables.bootstrap4.1.10.20.min.js
> jquery.dataTables..1.10.20.min.js
> Please let me know if this can be fixed in my project or Datatables
> version used in the spark-core would be updated to a non vulnerable version.
> Regards
> Vinodh Palaniswamy

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