Hi Sergey,

I’m willing to be corrected, but I think the use of a JAVA_HOME environment 
variable was something that was started by and continues to be perpetuated by 
Apache Tomcat.

… or maybe Apache Ant, but modern versions of Ant do not need it either.

It is not needed for modern releases of Apache Maven.


Steve C

On 18 Jul 2022, at 4:12 pm, Sergey B. 
<sergey.bushma...@gmail.com<mailto:sergey.bushma...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Steve,

Can you shed some light why do they need $JAVA_HOME at all if everything is 
already in place?

- Sergey

On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 4:31 AM Stephen Coy 
<s...@infomedia.com.au.invalid<mailto:s...@infomedia.com.au.invalid>> wrote:
Hi Szymon,

There seems to be a common misconception that setting JAVA_HOME will set the 
version of Java that is used.

This is not true, because in most environments you need to have a PATH 
environment variable set up that points at the version of Java that you want to 

You can set JAVA_HOME to anything at all and `java -version` will always return 
the same result.

The way that you configure PATH varies from OS to OS:

  *   MacOS use `/usr/libexec/java_home -v11`
  *   On linux use `sudo alternatives --config java`
  *   On Windows I have no idea

When you do this the `mvn` command will compute the value of JAVA_HOME for its 
own use; there is no need to explicitly set it yourself (unless other Java 
applications that you use insist u[on it).


Steve C

On 16 Jul 2022, at 7:24 am, Szymon Kuryło 
<szymonkur...@gmail.com<mailto:szymonkur...@gmail.com>> wrote:


I'm trying to build a Java 11 Spark distro using the dev/make-distribution.sh 
I have set JAVA_HOME to point to JDK11 location, I've also set the java.version 
property in pom.xml to 11, effectively also setting `maven.compile.source` and 
When inspecting classes from the `dist` directory with `javap -v`, I find that 
the class major version is 52, which is specific to JDK8. Am I missing 
something? Is there a reliable way to set the JDK used in the build process?

Szymon K.

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