The off-heap memory isn't subjected to GC.  So the obvious reason is that your have too many states to maintain in your streaming app, and the GC couldn't keep up, and end up with resources but to die. Are you using continues processing or microbatch in structured streaming?  You may want to lower your incoming data rate and/or increase your microbatch size so to lower the number of states to be persisted/maintained...

On 9/11/22 10:59 AM, akshit marwah wrote:
Hi Team,

We are trying to shift from HDFS State Manager to Rocks DB State Manager, but while doing POC we realised it is using much more off-heap space than expected. Because of this, the executors get killed with  : *out of**physical memory exception.*
Could you please help in understanding, why is there a massive increase in off-heap space, and what can we do about it?

We are using, SPARK 3.2.1 with 1 executor and 1 executor core, to understand the memory requirements -
1. Rocks DB Run - took 3.5 GB heap and 11.5 GB Res Memory
2. Hdfs State Manager - took 5 GB heap and 10 GB Res Memory.


Thanks and regards
- Akshit Marwah

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