I guess there are some confusions here between the metastore and the actual Hive database.  Spark (as well as Apache Hive) requires two databases for Hive DB operations.  Metastore is used for storing metadata only (e.g., schema info), whereas the actual Hive database, accessible through Thrift server, is used for applications.  The reason why Hive needs its metadata stored separately as a server is because for distributed database operations.

My previous message referred to how to secure the metastore database, not the actual Hive tables.  Looks like you are looking for how to secure access to Hive not metastore (metastore isn't used by general users), and your current configuration wasn't set up with the right user access control.  Hive actually supports role-based access model just like other RDBMS.  You may refer to the Hive admin guide for more details (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/SQL+Standard+Based+Hive+Authorization). You can use beeline or SQL scripts via beeline to set user privileges and roles.

On 10/21/22 1:27 AM, second_co...@yahoo.com.INVALID wrote:

Hello Artemis,
   Understand, if i gave hive metastore uri to anyone to connect using pyspark. the port 9083 is open for anyone without authentication feature. The only way pyspark able to connect to hive is through 9083 and not through port 10000. On Friday, October 21, 2022 at 04:06:38 AM GMT+8, Artemis User <arte...@dtechspace.com> wrote:

By default, Spark uses Apache Derby (running in embedded mode with store content defined in local files) for hosting the Hive metastore.  You can externalize the metastore on a JDBC-compliant database (e.g., PostgreSQL) and use the database authentication provided by the database.  The JDBC configuration shall be defined in a hive-site.xml file in the Spark conf directory.  Please see the metastore admin guide for more details, including an init script for setting up your metastore (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/AdminManual+Metastore+3.0+Administration <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/AdminManual+Metastore+3.0+Administration>).

On 10/20/22 4:31 AM, second_co...@yahoo.com.INVALID <mailto:second_co...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote: Currently my pyspark code able to connect to hive metastore at port 9083. However using this approach i can't put in-place any security mechanism like LDAP and sql authentication control. Is there anyway to connect from pyspark to spark thrift server on port 10000 without exposing hive metastore url to the pyspark ? I would like to authenticate the user before allow to execute spark sql, and user should only allow to query from databases,tables that they have the access.

Thank you,

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