Hmmm… Sorry, I don’t have an idea. Maybe we can try subquery? I’m not sure 
whether it can work :( . We need help from other members of the community.

> 2022年11月12日 00:10,hajyoussef amine <> 写道:
> Hi Jie,
> Let's suppose we have ((dimension_table Join fact_table1) join fact_table2). 
> In the case where (dimension_table JOIN fact_table1) is small enough, the 
> result ideally can be treated as another dimension table and thus used to 
> prune the fact_table2. I don't find an easy way to implement it though.
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 4:32 PM Jie Han < 
> <>> wrote:
> FYI, 
> <>
> This blog may be helpful. Dynamic pruning often works for star schema 
> queries. So, your fact table is big_table which is used to join the others. 
> So there’s only one subqueryboradcast dynamicpruning plan before big_table’s 
> scan while there’s none for the others.
> I’m not sure that I’m correct. Hope it’s helpful to you.
>> 2022年11月11日 21:43,hajyoussef amine < 
>> <>> 写道:
>> SubqueryBroadcast

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