
I have not tested this myself but Google have brought up *Dataproc Serverless
for Spar*k. in a nutshell Dataproc Serverless lets you run Spark batch
workloads without requiring you to provision and manage your own cluster.
Specify workload parameters, and then submit the workload to the Dataproc
Serverless service. The service will run the workload on a managed compute
infrastructure, autoscaling resources as needed. Dataproc Serverless
charges apply only to the time when the workload is executing. Google
Dataproc is similar to Amazon EMR

So in short you don't need to provision your own Dataproc cluster etc. One
thing Inoticed from release doc
<https://cloud.google.com/dataproc-serverless/docs/overview>is that the
resource management is *spark based a*s opposed to standard Dataproc which
iis YARN based. It is available for Spark 3.2. My assumption is that by
Spark based it means that spark is running in standalone mode. Has there
been much improvement in release 3.2 for standalone mode?


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