Hi folks,
We are running a job on our on prem cluster on K8s but writing the output
to S3. We noticed that all the executors finish in < 1h but the driver
takes another 5h to finish. Logs:

22/11/22 02:08:29 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0 on in memory (size: 7.3 KiB, free: 9.4 GiB)
22/11/22 *02:08:29* INFO BlockManagerInfo: Removed broadcast_3_piece0
on in memory (size: 7.3 KiB, free: 9.4 GiB)
22/11/22 *04:57:46* INFO FileFormatWriter: Write Job
4f0051fc-dda9-457f-a072-26311fd5e132 committed.
22/11/22 04:57:46 INFO FileFormatWriter: Finished processing stats for
write job 4f0051fc-dda9-457f-a072-26311fd5e132.
22/11/22 04:57:47 INFO FileUtils: Creating directory if it doesn't
22/11/22 04:57:48 INFO SessionState: Could not get hdfsEncryptionShim,
it is only applicable to hdfs filesystem.
22/11/22 *04:57:48* INFO SessionState: Could not get
hdfsEncryptionShim, it is only applicable to hdfs filesystem.
22/11/22 *07:20:20* WARN ExecutorPodsWatchSnapshotSource: Kubernetes
client has been closed (this is expected if the application is
shutting down.)
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint:
MapOutputTrackerMasterEndpoint stopped!
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO MemoryStore: MemoryStore cleared
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO BlockManager: BlockManager stopped
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO BlockManagerMaster: BlockManagerMaster stopped
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO
OutputCommitCoordinator stopped!
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO SparkContext: Successfully stopped SparkContext
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Shutdown hook called
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Deleting directory
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO ShutdownHookManager: Deleting directory
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO MetricsSystemImpl: Stopping s3a-file-system
metrics system...
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO MetricsSystemImpl: s3a-file-system metrics
system stopped.
22/11/22 07:20:22 INFO MetricsSystemImpl: s3a-file-system metrics
system shutdown complete.

Seems like the job is taking time to write to S3. Any idea how to fix
this issue?


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