
This might  be a worthwhile exercise on the assumption that the
contributors will find the time and bandwidth to chip in so to speak.

I am sure there are many but on top of my head I can think of Holden Karau
for k8s, and Sean Owen for data science stuff. They are both very

Anyone else 🤔


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On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 19:17, ashok34...@yahoo.com.INVALID
<ashok34...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hello gurus,
> Does Spark arranges online webinars for special topics like Spark on K8s,
> data science and Spark Structured Streaming?
> I would be most grateful if experts can share their experience with
> learners with intermediate knowledge like myself. Hopefully we will find
> the practical experiences told valuable.
> Respectively,
> AK

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