Couple of points

Why use spot or pre-empt intantes when your application as you stated
shuffles heavily.
Have you looked at why you are having these shuffles? What is the cause of
these large transformations ending up in shuffle

Also on your point:
"..then ideally we should expect that when an executor is killed/OOM'd and
a new executor is spawned on the same host, the new executor registers the
shuffle files to itself. Is that so?"

What guarantee is that the new executor with inherited shuffle files will

Also OOM is often associated with some form of skewed data

Mich Talebzadeh,
Lead Solutions Architect/Engineering Lead
Palantir Technologies Limited
United Kingdom

   view my Linkedin profile

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On Mon, 15 May 2023 at 13:11, Faiz Halde <>

> Hello,
> We've been in touch with a few spark specialists who suggested us a
> potential solution to improve the reliability of our jobs that are shuffle
> heavy
> Here is what our setup looks like
>    - Spark version: 3.3.1
>    - Java version: 1.8
>    - We do not use external shuffle service
>    - We use spot instances
> We run spark jobs on clusters that use Amazon EBS volumes. The
> spark.local.dir is mounted on this EBS volume. One of the offerings from
> the service we use is EBS migration which basically means if a host is
> about to get evicted, a new host is created and the EBS volume is attached
> to it
> When Spark assigns a new executor to the newly created instance, it
> basically can recover all the shuffle files that are already persisted in
> the migrated EBS volume
> Is this how it works? Do executors recover / re-register the shuffle files
> that they found?
> So far I have not come across any recovery mechanism. I can only see
> KubernetesLocalDiskShuffleDataIO
>  that has a pre-init step where it tries to register the available shuffle
> files to itself
> A natural follow-up on this,
> If what they claim is true, then ideally we should expect that when an
> executor is killed/OOM'd and a new executor is spawned on the same host,
> the new executor registers the shuffle files to itself. Is that so?
> Thanks
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