Hi Jack,

You may use from_utc_timestamp and to_utc_timestamp to see if they help.

from pyspark.sql.functions import from_utc_timestamp

You can read your Parquet file into DF

df = spark.read.parquet('parquet_file_path')

# Convert timestamps (assuming your column name) from UTC to
Pacific/Auckland timezone

df_with_local_timezone = df.withColumn( 'timestamp',
from_utc_timestamp(df['timestamp'], 'Pacific/Auckland') )


Mich Talebzadeh,
Solutions Architect & Engineer
United Kingdom

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Mich Talebzadeh,
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United Kingdom

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On Wed, 6 Sept 2023 at 04:19, Jack Goodson <jackagood...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've got a number of tables that I'm loading in from a SQL server. The
> timestamp in SQL server is stored like 2003-11-24T09:02:32 I get these as
> parquet files in our raw storage location and pick them up in Databricks.
> When I load the data in databricks, the dataframe/spark assumes UTC or
> +0000 on the timestamp like 2003-11-24T09:02:32+0000 the time and date is
> the same as what's in SQL server however the offset is incorrect
> I've tried various methods like the below code to set the JVM timezone to
> my local timezone but when viewing the data it seems to just subtract the
> offset from the timestamp and add it to the offset part like 
> 2003-11-24T09:02:32+0000
> -> 2003-11-23T20:02:32+1300 (NZ has a +13 offset in winter)
> spark = pyspark.sql.SparkSession \
> .Builder()\
> .appName('test') \
> .master('local') \
> .config('spark.driver.extraJavaOptions',
> '-Duser.timezone=Pacific/Auckland') \
> .config('spark.executor.extraJavaOptions',
> '-Duser.timezone=Pacific/Auckland') \
> .config('spark.sql.session.timeZone', 'Pacific/Auckland') \
> .getOrCreate()
> I understand that in Parquet these are stored as UNIX time and aren't
> timezone aware, however are there any settings that I can set in spark that
> would implicitly convert/assume the timestamp from 2003-11-24T09:02:32+0000
> to 2003-11-24T09:02:32+1300 I know this can be done with transformations
> however I'm trying to avoid doing transformations for every timestamp on
> 100's tables
> Any help much appreciated, thanks,
> Jack

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