Dear Jörn Franke, Jayabindu Singh and Spark Community members,

Thank you profoundly for your initial insights. I feel it's necessary to
provide more precision on our setup to facilitate a deeper understanding.

We're interfacing with S3 Compatible storages, but our operational context
is somewhat distinct. Our infrastructure doesn't lean on conventional cloud
providers like AWS. Instead, we've architected our environment on
On-Premise Kubernetes distributions, specifically k0s and Openshift.

Our objective extends beyond just handling S3 keys. We're orchestrating a
solution that integrates Azure SPNs, API Credentials, and other sensitive
credentials, intending to make Kubernetes' native secrets our central
management hub. The aspiration is to have a universally deployable JAR, one
that can function unmodified across different ecosystems like EMR,
Databricks (on both AWS and Azure), etc. Platforms like Databricks have
already made strides in this direction, allowing secrets to be woven
directly into the Spark Conf through mechanisms like
{{secret_scope/secret_name}}, which are resolved dynamically.

The spark-on-k8s-operator's user guide suggests the feasibility of mounting
secrets. However, a gap exists in our understanding of how to subsequently
access these mounted secret values within the Spark application's context.

Here lies my inquiry: is the spark-on-k8s-operator currently equipped to
support this level of integration? If it does, any elucidation on the
method or best practices would be pivotal for our project. Alternatively,
if you could point me to resources or community experts who have tackled
similar challenges, it would be of immense assistance.

Thank you for bearing with the intricacies of our query, and I appreciate
your continued guidance in this endeavor.

Warm regards,

Jon Rodríguez Aranguren.

El sáb, 30 sept 2023 a las 23:19, Jayabindu Singh (<>)

> Hi Jon,
> Using IAM as suggested by Jorn is the best approach.
> We recently moved our spark workload from HDP to Spark on K8 and utilizing
> IAM.
> It will save you from secret management headaches and also allows a lot
> more flexibility on access control and option to allow access to multiple
> S3 buckets in the same pod.
> We have implemented this across Azure, Google and AWS. Azure does require
> some extra work to make it work.
> On Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 12:05 PM Jörn Franke <> wrote:
>> Don’t use static iam (s3) credentials. It is an outdated insecure method
>> - even AWS recommend against using this for anything (cf eg
>> ).
>> It is almost a guarantee to get your data stolen and your account
>> manipulated.
>> If you need to use kubernetes (which has its own very problematic
>> security issues) then assign AWS IAM roles with minimal permissions to the
>> pods (for EKS it means using OIDC, cf
>> Am 30.09.2023 um 03:41 schrieb Jon Rodríguez Aranguren <
>> Dear Spark Community Members,
>> I trust this message finds you all in good health and spirits.
>> I'm reaching out to the collective expertise of this esteemed community
>> with a query regarding Spark on Kubernetes. As a newcomer, I have always
>> admired the depth and breadth of knowledge shared within this forum, and it
>> is my hope that some of you might have insights on a specific challenge I'm
>> facing.
>> I am currently trying to configure multiple Kubernetes secrets, notably
>> multiple S3 keys, at the SparkConf level for a Spark application. My
>> objective is to understand the best approach or methods to ensure that
>> these secrets can be smoothly accessed by the Spark application.
>> If any of you have previously encountered this scenario or possess
>> relevant insights on the matter, your guidance would be highly beneficial.
>> Thank you for your time and consideration. I'm eager to learn from the
>> experiences and knowledge present within this community.
>> Warm regards,
>> Jon

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