Hi Chao,

As a cool feature

   - Compared to standard Spark, what kind of performance gains can be
   expected with Comet?
   -  Can one use Comet on k8s in conjunction with something like a Volcano


Mich Talebzadeh,
Dad | Technologist | Solutions Architect | Engineer
United Kingdom

   view my Linkedin profile


*Disclaimer:* The information provided is correct to the best of my
knowledge, sourced from both personal expertise and other resources but of
course cannot be guaranteed . It is essential to note that, as with any
advice, one verified and tested result holds more weight than a thousand
expert opinions.

On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 at 20:42, Chao Sun <sunc...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We are very happy to announce that Project Comet, a plugin to
> accelerate Spark query execution via leveraging DataFusion and Arrow,
> has now been open sourced under the Apache Arrow umbrella. Please
> check the project repo
> https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion-comet for more details if
> you are interested. We'd love to collaborate with people from the open
> source community who share similar goals.
> Thanks,
> Chao
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