Spark has supported the window-based executor failure-tracking mechanism for 
YARN for a long time, SPARK-41210[1][2] (included in 3.5.0) extended this 
feature to K8s.


Cheng Pan

> On Feb 19, 2024, at 23:59, Sri Potluri <> wrote:
> Hello Spark Community,
> I am currently leveraging Spark on Kubernetes, managed by the Spark Operator, 
> for running various Spark applications. While the system generally works 
> well, I've encountered a challenge related to how Spark applications handle 
> executor failures, specifically in scenarios where executors enter an error 
> state due to persistent issues.
> Problem Description
> When an executor of a Spark application fails, the system attempts to 
> maintain the desired level of parallelism by automatically recreating a new 
> executor to replace the failed one. While this behavior is beneficial for 
> transient errors, ensuring that the application continues to run, it becomes 
> problematic in cases where the failure is due to a persistent issue (such as 
> misconfiguration, inaccessible external resources, or incompatible 
> environment settings). In such scenarios, the application enters a loop, 
> continuously trying to recreate executors, which leads to resource wastage 
> and complicates application management.
> Desired Behavior
> Ideally, I would like to have a mechanism to limit the number of retries for 
> executor recreation. If the system fails to successfully create an executor 
> more than a specified number of times (e.g., 5 attempts), the entire Spark 
> application should fail and stop trying to recreate the executor. This 
> behavior would help in efficiently managing resources and avoiding prolonged 
> failure states.
> Questions for the Community
> 1. Is there an existing configuration or method within Spark or the Spark 
> Operator to limit executor recreation attempts and fail the job after 
> reaching a threshold?
> 2. Has anyone else encountered similar challenges and found workarounds or 
> solutions that could be applied in this context?
> Additional Context
> I have explored Spark's task and stage retry configurations 
> (`spark.task.maxFailures`, `spark.stage.maxConsecutiveAttempts`), but these 
> do not directly address the issue of limiting executor creation retries. 
> Implementing a custom monitoring solution to track executor failures and 
> manually stop the application is a potential workaround, but it would be 
> preferable to have a more integrated solution.
> I appreciate any guidance, insights, or feedback you can provide on this 
> matter.
> Thank you for your time and support.
> Best regards,
> Sri P

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