I am working on a pet project to implement a real-time sentiment analysis
system for analyzing customer reviews. It leverages Kafka for data
ingestion, Spark Structured Streaming (SSS) for real-time processing, and
Vertex AI for sentiment analysis and potential action triggers.


   - Real-time processing of customer reviews using SSS.
   - Sentiment analysis using pre-assigned labels or Vertex AI
   - Integration with Vertex AI for model deployment and prediction serving.
   - Potential actions based on sentiment analysis results
   (e.g., notifications, database updates).

*Tech stack*

   - Kafka: Stream processing platform for data ingestion.
   - SSS for real-time data processing on incoming messages with cleansing
   - Vertex AI: Machine learning platform for model training

I have created sample Json data with relevant attributes for product review as
shown below

  "rowkey": "7de43681-0e4a-45cb-ad40-5f14f5678333",
  "product_id": "product-id-1616",
  "timereported": "2024-02-21T08:46:40",
  "description": "Easy to use and setup, perfect for beginners.",
  "price": GBP507,
  "sentiment": negative,
  "product_category": "Electronics",
  "customer_id": "customer4",
  "location": "UK",
  "rating": 6,
  "review_text": "Sleek and modern design, but lacking some features.",
  "user_feedback": "Negative",
  "review_source": "online",
  "sentiment_confidence": 0.33,
  "product_features": "user-friendly",
  "timestamp": "",
  "language": "English"

I also attached a high level diagram. There is recently a demand for Gemini
usage. Your views are appreciated.


Mich Talebzadeh,
Dad | Technologist | Solutions Architect | Engineer
United Kingdom

   view my Linkedin profile


*Disclaimer:* I am an architect and not a data scientist. The information
provided is correct to the best of my knowledge but of course cannot be
guaranteed . It is essential to note that, as with any advice, quote "one test
result is worth one-thousand expert opinions (Werner
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun>Von Braun
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