I don't really understand how Iceberg and the hadoop libraries can coexist in a 

The latest spark (3.5.1) base image contains the hadoop-client*-3.3.4.jar. The 
AWS v2 SDK is only supported in hadoop*-3.4.0.jar and onward.
Iceberg AWS integration states AWS v2 SDK is 

Does anyone have a working combination of pyspark, iceberg and hadoop? Or, is 
there an alternative way to use pyspark to 
spark.read.parquet("s3a://<path>/<name>.parquet") such that I don't need the 
hadoop dependencies?

Kind regards,
From: Oxlade, Dan <dan.oxl...@troweprice.com.INVALID>
Sent: 03 April 2024 15:49
To: Oxlade, Dan <dan.oxl...@troweprice.com.INVALID>; Aaron Grubb 
<aa...@kaden.ai>; user@spark.apache.org <user@spark.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Spark]: Spark / Iceberg / hadoop-aws compatibility 

Swapping out the iceberg-aws-bundle for the very latest aws provided sdk 
('software.amazon.awssdk:bundle:2.25.23') produces an incompatibility from a 
slightly different code path:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void 
 int, boolean, org.apache.hadoop.fs.statistics.DurationTrackerFactory)'
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem.executeOpen(S3AFileSystem.java 
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem.open(S3AFileSystem.java 
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.open(FileSystem.java 
at org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetFileReader.<init>(ParquetFileReader.java 
at org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetFileReader.open(ParquetFileReader.java 

From: Oxlade, Dan <dan.oxl...@troweprice.com.INVALID>
Sent: 03 April 2024 14:33
To: Aaron Grubb <aa...@kaden.ai>; user@spark.apache.org <user@spark.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Spark]: Spark / Iceberg / hadoop-aws compatibility 

[sorry; replying all this time]

With hadoop-*-3.3.6 in place of the 3.4.0 below I get 
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/amazonaws/AmazonClientException

I think that the below iceberg-aws-bundle version supplies the v2 sdk.


From: Aaron Grubb <aa...@kaden.ai>
Sent: 03 April 2024 13:52
To: user@spark.apache.org <user@spark.apache.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Spark]: Spark / Iceberg / hadoop-aws compatibility 

Downgrade to hadoop-*:3.3.x, Hadoop 3.4.x is based on the AWS SDK v2 and should 
probably be considered as breaking for tools that build on < 3.4.0 while using 
From: Oxlade, Dan <dan.oxl...@troweprice.com.INVALID>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 2:41:11 PM
To: user@spark.apache.org <user@spark.apache.org>
Subject: [Spark]: Spark / Iceberg / hadoop-aws compatibility matrix

Hi all,

I’ve struggled with this for quite some time.

My requirement is to read a parquet file from s3 to a Dataframe then append to 
an existing iceberg table.

In order to read the parquet I need the hadoop-aws dependency for s3a:// . In 
order to write to iceberg I need the iceberg dependency. Both of these 
dependencies have a transitive dependency on the aws SDK. I can’t find versions 
for Spark 3.4 that work together.

Current Versions:

Spark 3.4.1





I’ve tried a number of combinations of the above and their respective versions 
but all fall over with their assumptions on the aws sdk version with class not 
found exceptions or method not found etc.

Is there a compatibility matrix somewhere that someone could point me to?



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