Actually - that answer may oversimplify things / be rather incorrect depending 
on the exact question of the entity that asks and the exact situation (who 
ships what code from where).

For this reason it is properly best to refer this original poster to:

Which explains that Spark is classified as ECCN 5d002, and is subject to EAR.

 And to refer developers or those that need to bundle Spark, or otherwise place 
it on the market to:

And when in doubt - contact the Spark PMC or the ASF security team.

With kind regards,


> On 4 Jun 2024, at 15:20, Artemis User <> wrote:
> Sara, Apache Spark is open source under Apache License 2.0 
> (  It is not under 
> export control of any country!  Please feel free to use, reproduce and 
> distribute, as long as your practice is compliant with the license.
> Having said that, some components in Apache Spark may be under other open 
> source licenses, whose terms and conditions may be different than Apache's.  
> Cheers!
> ND
> On 6/4/24 8:01 AM, VARGA, Sara wrote:
>> Hello,
>> my name is Sara and I am working in export control at MTU.
>> In order to ensure export compliance, we would like to be informed about the 
>> export control classification for your items:
>> Apache Spark 3.0.1
>> Apache Spark 3.2.1
>> Please be so kind and use the attached Supplier Export Control Declaration 
>> and return the completed excel file and a pdf scan of the signed document 
>> via email.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards
>> Sara Varga
>> Exportkontrolle
>> Export control
>> MTU Aero Engines AG
>> Dachauer Str. 665 | 80995 Muenchen | Germany
>> <> | 
>> <>
>> --
>> MTU Aero Engines AG
>> Vorstand/Board of Management: Lars Wagner, Vorsitzender/CEO; Peter 
>> Kameritsch, Dr. Silke Maurer, Michael Schreyoegg
>> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gordon 
>> Riske
>> Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Muenchen
>> Handelsregister/Commercial Register: Muenchen HRB 157206
>> Lobbyregister/Lobbying Register: R002076
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