
Trying to figure out what does it mean when the application (driver
program) logs end with the the lines like the ones below. This is with the
application running on Spark 0.8.0 on EC2.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


13/10/03 16:17:33 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Finished TID 1744 in
1183507 ms on ip-10-232-80-206.ec2.internal (progress: 46/60)
13/10/03 16:17:33 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Completed ResultTask(4, 20)
13/10/03 16:17:57 WARN storage.BlockManagerMasterActor: Removing
BlockManager BlockManagerId(1, ip-10-170-16-83.ec2.internal, 46907, 0) with
no recent
heart beats: 68685ms exceeds 45000ms
13/10/03 16:18:57 WARN storage.BlockManagerMasterActor: Removing
BlockManager BlockManagerId(0, ip-10-232-27-176.ec2.internal, 55654, 0)
with no recent
 heart beats: 95376ms exceeds 45000ms
13/10/03 16:19:13 INFO storage.BlockManagerMasterActor$BlockManagerInfo:
Registering block manager ip-10-232-27-176.ec2.internal:55654 with 19.3 GB
13/10/03 16:21:38 INFO storage.BlockManagerMasterActor$BlockManagerInfo:
Added rdd_7_293 in memory on ip-10-232-27-176.ec2.internal:55654 (size:
 KB, free: 19.2 GB)
13/10/03 16:21:38 INFO storage.BlockManagerMasterActor$BlockManagerInfo:
Added rdd_7_293 in memory on ip-10-232-27-176.ec2.internal:55654 (size:
 KB, free: 19.2 GB)
13/10/03 16:22:57 WARN storage.BlockManagerMasterActor: Removing
BlockManager BlockManagerId(0, ip-10-232-27-176.ec2.internal, 55654, 0)
with no recent
 heart beats: 78761ms exceeds 45000ms

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