
We have an HDFS set up of a namenode and three datanodes all on EC2
larges.  One of our data partitions basically has files that are fed from a
few Flume instances rolling *hourly*.  This equates to around 3 4-8mb files
per hour right now

Our Mesos cluster consists of a Master and the three slave nodes colocated
on these EC2 larges as well (slaves -> datanodes, mesos master ->
namenode).  Spark scheduled jobs are launched from spark shell ad-hoc today.

The data is serialized protobuf messages in sequence files.  Our operations
typically consist of deserializing the data, grabbing a few primitive
fields out of the message and doing some maps/reduces.

For grabbing on the order of 2 days of data this size, what would the
expected Spark performance be?  We are seeing simple maps and 'takes' on
this data taking on the order of 15 minutes.



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