Shay, we've done this at Adatao, specifically a big data frame in RDD
representation and subsetting/projections/data mining/machine learning
algorithms on that in-memory table structure.

We're planning to harmonize that with the MLBase work in the near future.
Just a matter of prioritization on limited resources. If there's enough
interest we'll accelerate that.

Sent while mobile. Pls excuse typos etc.
On Nov 16, 2013 1:11 AM, "Shay Seng" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there some way to get R-style Data.Frame data structures into RDDs?
> I've been using RDD[Seq[]] but this is getting quite error-prone and the
> code gets pretty hard to read especially after a few joins, maps etc.
> Rather than access columns by index, I would prefer to access them by name.
> e.g. instead of writing:
> => Seq(l(0), l(1), l,(4), l(9))
> I would prefer to write
> => DataFrame(, l.entryTime, l.exitTime, l.cost))
> Also joins are particularly irritating. Currently I have to first
> construct a pair:
> somePairRdd.join(> (l(1),l(2)), (l(0),l(1),l(2),l(3)))
> Now I have to unzip away the join-key and remap the values into a seq
> instead I would rather write
> someDataFrame.join(myrdd , l=> l.entryTime && l.exitTime)
> The question is this:
> (1) I started writing a DataFrameRDD class that kept track of the column
> names and column values, and some optional attributes common to the entire
> dataframe. However I got a little muddled when trying to figure out what
> happens when a dataframRDD is chained with other operations and get
> transformed to other types of RDDs. The Value part of the RDD is obvious,
> but I didn't know the best way to pass on the "column and attribute"
> portions of the DataFrame class.
> I googled around for some documentation on how to write RDDs, but only
> found a pptx slide presentation with very vague info. Is there a better
> source of info on how to write RDDs?
> (2) Even better than info on how to write RDDs, has anyone written an RDD
> that functions as a DataFrame? :-)
> tks
> shay

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