Parquet might be a good fit for you then... it's pretty new and I
don't have a lot of direct experience working with it. But I've seen
examples of people using Spark with Parquet. You might want to
checkout Matt Massie's post here:

This gives an example of using the Parquet format with Spark.

- Patrick

On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 7:09 PM, Ankur Chauhan <> wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> I agree this is a very open ended question but I was trying to get a general 
> answer anyway but I think you did hint on some nuances.
> 1. My work load is definitely bottlenecked by disk IO just beacause even with 
> a project on a single column(mostly 2-3 out of 20) there is a lot of data to 
> churn throught.
> 2. The fields are mostly all headers and some know parameter fields from a 
> http GET request so analysis on let's say account id and user agent or ip 
> address is fairly selective.
> 3. Flattening the fields and using csv definitely looks like something i can 
> try out.
> I believe parquet files can be ceated with a sorted column (for example 
> timestamp) that would make selection of the right segment of data easier 
> too(although i don't have any experience with parquet files).
> What is the recommended way of interacting(read/write) with parquet files?
> -- Ankur
> On 8 Dec 2013, at 17:38, Patrick Wendell <> wrote:
>> This is a very open ended question so it's hard to give a specific
>> answer... it depends a lot on whether disk IO is a bottleneck in your
>> workload and whether you tend to analyze all of each record or only
>> certain fields. If you are doing disk IO a lot and only touching a few
>> fields something like Parquet might help, or (simpler) just creating
>> smaller projections of your data with only the fields you care about.
>> Tab delimited formats can have less serialization overhead than JSON,
>> so flattening the data might also help. It really depends on your
>> access patterns and data types.
>> In many cases with Spark another important question is how the user
>> stores the data in-memory, not the on-disk format. It does depend how
>> they are using Spark though.
>> - Patrick
>> On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Andrew Ash <> wrote:
>>> LZO compression at a minimum, and using Parquet as a second step,
>>> seems like the way to go though I haven't tried either personally yet.
>>> Sent from my mobile phone
>>> On Dec 8, 2013, at 16:54, Ankur Chauhan <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Sorry for posting this again but I am interested in finding out what 
>>>> different on disk data formats for storing timeline event and analytics 
>>>> aggregate data.
>>>> Currently I am just using newline delimited json gzipped files. I was 
>>>> wondering if there were any recommendations.
>>>> -- Ankur

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