
I am trying to read in a 20GB file from an S3 bucket. I have verified I can
read small files from my cluster. The cluster itself has 15 slaves and a
master, each slave has 16GB of RAM, the machines are Amazon m1.xlarge

All I am doing is below, however a minute into execution I get the ERROR
and the subsequent WARNings. Anyone have any ideas what is going on? Why is
this so difficult? ;)


scala> val f =
f: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MappedRDD[1] at textFile at

scala> f.count
14/01/19 12:03:31 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
14/01/19 12:03:31 WARN LoadSnappy: Snappy native library not loaded
14/01/19 12:04:23 ERROR Client$ClientActor: Master removed our application:
FAILED; stopping client
14/01/19 12:04:23 WARN SparkDeploySchedulerBackend: Disconnected from Spark
cluster! Waiting for reconnection...
14/01/19 12:04:24 ERROR ClusterScheduler: Lost executor 10 on
remote Akka client shutdown
14/01/19 12:04:24 WARN ClusterTaskSetManager: Lost TID 3 (task 0.0:3)
14/01/19 12:04:24 WARN ClusterTaskSetManager: Lost TID 1 (task 0.0:1)
14/01/19 12:04:24 WARN ClusterTaskSetManager: Lost TID 2 (task 0.0:2)
14/01/19 12:04:24 WARN ClusterTaskSetManager: Lost TID 0 (task 0.0:0)

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