  A customer I'm working with noticed the following error, which seems
to occur when building the stdcxx 4.2.0 release packaged with SourcePro
Ed 10 on HP-UX 11.11 with aCC A.03.73:
generating dependencies for $(TOPDIR)/src/locale_body.cpp
-I/nmlpkgs/sourcepro10_oc15/stdcxx/ad/include  -AA  -g +d   +w +W392
+W655 +W684 +W818 +W819 +W849  +Z
Signal 11
( 0)  0x002983b8   sighandler__FiT1 + 0x134
( 1)  0xc020bfe0   _sigreturn  [/usr/lib/libc.2]
( 2)  0x002748d8   synthesize__15LibraryRoutinesF19LibraryRoutinesEnum +
0x7c  [/nmlpkgs/aCC373/lbin/ctcom.pa20]
( 3)  0x00278880   enter__15LibraryRoutinesF19LibraryRoutinesEnum + 0x10
( 4)  0x001d0194
ListXTP4 + 0x168  [/nmlpkgs/aCC373/lbin/ctcom.pa20]
( 5)  0x001cff40
stXTP4No + 0x9c  [/nmlpkgs/aCC373/lbin/ctcom.pa20]
( 6)  0x001a8744
claratio + 0x844  [/nmlpkgs/aCC373/lbin/ctcom.pa20]
( 7)  0x0023d468   isProbablyAnIdentifier__12PreprocessorFb + 0x54
( 8)  0x001cdc24
resolveIdentifier__12PreprocessorFP12ScannerValue11StringToken + 0xbd4
( 9)  0x001cbad8   nextToken__12PreprocessorFP12ScannerValue + 0x210
(10)  0x00273f30   DoCompile__8CompilerFv + 0xd44
(11)  0x000b7c00   DoCompile__8CompilerFP6Buffer + 0x34
(12)  0x000c3a28   DoCompileFile__8CompilerFPc + 0x110
(13)  0x000cb744   main + 0x404  [/nmlpkgs/aCC373/lbin/ctcom.pa20]
(14)  0xc01434d0   _start + 0xc0  [/usr/lib/libc.2]
(15)  0x000b8120   $START$ + 0x178  [/nmlpkgs/aCC373/lbin/ctcom.pa20]
Error (system problem) 689: # Compiler received signal 11

  This looks similar to the issue described in STDCXX-276, but only the
locale_body.cpp source file fails to build.  The library seems to build
fine, but I'm not sure how this may effect its behavior.  I wasn't able
to find a mention of this issue in the documentation- hopefully I didn't
miss it.
  Any insight into the cause of this issue and effects it may have on
the library would be appreciated.
 -Patrick Happel
Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
Technical Support
Web: http://www.roguewave.com/support

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