if you set topology.max.spout.pending and use reliable tuples then the
spout will automatically throttle itself when its output queue grows to the
configured size.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Jan Sipke van der Veen <jansi...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using a simple topology with a single spout and a single bolt to test
> some ideas about automatically scaling the number of worker nodes in a
> Storm cluster. The bolt is set up to use some processor time and the spout
> sends out tuples at a rate which is slightly higher than the bolt can
> process.
> The number of emitted tuples is indeed higher than the number of acked
> tuples and some time later there are some failed tuples. Just what I
> expected. However, after about 5 to 10 minutes, it seems that nextTuple()
> isn't called as often as before and the number of emitted tuples drops to a
> level that the bolt is able to keep up with.
> Is there some sort of automatic throttling of spouts that I'm not aware of?
> Best regards,
> Jan Sipke van der Veen

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