   I'm encountering the following strange cases: While submitting the
topology on the storm cluster I'm getting the error
*Failed to get local hostname java.net.UnknownHostException:
xx-xxx-xxx-xxx: xxx-xxx-xx-xx*
*where the ** xxx-xxx-xx-xx is the IP of the nimbus (encoded here for
security reasons. The IP is a valid one and is properly configured with "."
as separator in the storm.yaml file )*
The error is omehow overpass on the client submitter and the topology is
submitted to the storm cluster and deployed. But I'm getting the same error
on the worker machines where the spout and bolts are running. The topology
runs for a while and then is restarted after is encountering the same error
with the corresponding IP of the workers.

Can  please help me to understand what triggers this peculiar behavior and
how to proprely solve it?
I look forward for your answers.

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