With the current implementation of CombinerAggregatorCombineImpl, you can modify and return the first value if you want to avoid the small overhead of creating new instances (it adds up!)

It would be 100% safe if this behaviour was documented and contractual for a CombinerAggregator. It's not, so the trade-off is (a) creating/gc'ing fewer instances versus (b) potential future breakages if the implementation changes.

see: https://github.com/apache/storm/blob/b2a8a77c3b307137527c706d0cd7635a6afe25bf/storm-core/src/jvm/storm/trident/operation/impl/CombinerAggregatorCombineImpl.java

All my best, Ryan

On 23/10/2014 15:58, Delm Schmidt wrote:
Hi guys,
maybe someone can help me out.
I'm trying to write my own CombinerAggregator. Hence I'm extending the CombinerAggregator<T> Interface but I do not know how to efficiently implement the 'T combine(T val1, T val2)' method. Is it allowed to modify the val1 attribute and then return it or should I create a new object and combine the values inside the newly created one?

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