Check that you don't have blocking code. For example writing to DB without
time-out or similar when you wait an operation to finish long or unlimited
Secondly I recomend you to use ackers ( with max spout pending parameter)
this way you can control the stream...
 On 1 Dec 2014 05:54, "이승진" <sweetest...@navercorp.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> We are running a topology which reads data from kafka and  interact with
> other persistent stores.
> incoming data into kafka is continuous and quite huge, but somtimes spout
> throuput shown in storm UI becomes 0 which means entire topology hangs.
> this event occurs rarely and we couldn't figure out what causes this, so
> it's impossible for us to reproduce at this moment.
> only weird thing we found so far is at that moment, load average and cpu
> utilization got abnormally high.
> we're to monitor worker process via JMX, is there any other methodology to
> analyze this problem you would recommend?
> Sincerely,

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