David, It looks like there might be some confusion between supervisor
and workers.

"Zookeeper is running on separate VMs. 1 VM has the nimbus process, and
the UI process, and no workers, and the other 2 machines each have a
worker with 2 ports" You have nimbus, UI and two supervisors and each
with one worker slot. These workers starts running once you deploy a
topology. Number of workers per supervisor controlled by this config
supervisor.slots.ports: - 6700 Since you specified only one port than it
means each supervisor can only spawn one worker when a topology
deployed. You can add more ports to increase the number of workers per

"However when I go to the Storm UI, the cluster summary says there is
only 1 supervisor with 2 slots, and the supervisor summary on has 1 row,
but the host name switches between storm-worker-1 and storm-worker-2. It
seems to be seeing both machines, but only 1 at a time."

I am assuming you are using same storm.yaml on all the hosts (i.e
nimbus, supervisors etc) . In this case based on your config each
supervisor should show it has one worker. You should be able to see two
supervisor listed under "Supervisor" section in storm UI. Do check the
logs if your supervisors might be missing connection to zookeeper or
crashing! .

Which version of storm you are using. It might help if you can attach
screenshots for storm UI. Thanks, Harsha

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015, at 11:05 AM, David Shepherd wrote:
> I have set up a Storm cluster on 3 vms running on openstack. Zookeeper
> is running on separate VMs. 1 VM has the nimbus process, and the UI
> process, and no workers, and the other 2 machines each have a worker
> with 2 ports. The workers
 were created by provisioning a VM from an image using the openstack
 tooling, so they are identical.


> Everything starts up with no errors in any logs I can fin. However
> when I go to the Storm UI, the cluster summary says there is only 1
> supervisor with 2 slots, and the supervisor summary on has 1 row, but
> the host name switches between
 storm-worker-1 and storm-worker-2. It seems to be seeing both machines,
 but only 1 at a time.


> The storm.yaml is:


> storm.zookeeper.servers:

> - "zookeeper-host-1"

> - "zookeeper-host-2"

> - "zookeeper-host-3"

> storm.zookeeper.port: 2181


> nimbus.host: "nimbus"

> nimbus.thrift.port: 6627

> storm.local.dir: "/var/opt/stormtmp"

> java.library.path: "/usr/local/lib"


> supervisor.slots.ports:

> - 6700

> worker.childopts: "-Xmx768m"

> nimbus.childopts: "-Xmx512m"

> supervisor.childopts: "-Xmx256m"

> ui.childopts: "-Xmx512m"


> I am totally stumped – can’t find anything on this behavior anywhere
> online or in any of the books I have. If anyone else has experienced
> this and can point me in the right direction it would be much
> appreciated.


> Thanks,


> David


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