Are you sure the worker is writing heartbeats and the supervisor is reading 

     On Thursday, April 16, 2015 1:36 PM, Grant Overby (groverby) 
<> wrote:

  The supervisor is reporting the worker “still hasn’t started” even though the 
worker is up and appears to be working. After timeout, the supervisor kills and 
restarts the worker.
I set the timeouts really high (10 mins) to see what would happen. I though 
maybe a GC pause or something. The worker is still killed with these large 
timeouts, it just takes longer.
The supervisor is able to establish a connection to the worker 
port:[root@twig07 storm]# netstat -pan | grep 6700tcp        0      0 :::6700   
                  :::*                        LISTEN      6860/java           
tcp        0      0 ::ffff:        ::ffff:       
ESTABLISHED 6860/java           tcp        0      0 ::ffff:       
::ffff:        ESTABLISHED 6860/java           tcp        0    256 
::ffff:       ::ffff:        ESTABLISHED 6860/java   
        tcp        0      0 ::ffff:        ::ffff:   
    ESTABLISHED 6860/java           tcp        0      0 ::ffff:   
    ::ffff:        ESTABLISHED 6860/java           tcp        0    
  0 ::ffff:        ::ffff:       ESTABLISHED 

What can I look at to diagnose this behavior?

Supervisor log:2015-04-15 18:32:52 b.s.d.supervisor [INFO] 
8e836654-931d-46d5-bf3f-cb75e394b113 still hasn't started2015-04-15 18:32:52 
b.s.d.supervisor [INFO] 8e836654-931d-46d5-bf3f-cb75e394b113 still hasn't 
started2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.d.supervisor [INFO] Shutting down and clearing 
state for id 8e836654-931d-46d5-bf3f-cb75e394b113. Current supervisor time: 
1429138441. State: :disallowed, Heartbeat: 
#backtype.storm.daemon.common.WorkerHeartbeat{:time-secs 1429138440, :storm-id 
"burner-trident-1-1429131611", :executors #{[4 4] [36 36] [68 68] [100 100] [8 
8] [40 40] [72 72] [104 104] [12 12] [44 44] [76 76] [108 108] [16 16] [48 48] 
[80 80] [112 112] [20 20] [52 52] [84 84] [116 116] [24 24] [56 56] [88 88] 
[120 120] [28 28] [60 60] [92 92] [124 124] [-1 -1] [32 32] [64 64] [96 96] 
[128 128]}, :port 6700}2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.d.supervisor [INFO] Shutting 
 18:54:01 b.s.config [INFO] GET worker-user 
8e836654-931d-46d5-bf3f-cb75e394b1132015-04-15 18:54:02 b.s.config [INFO] 
REMOVE worker-user 8e836654-931d-46d5-bf3f-cb75e394b1132015-04-15 18:54:02 
b.s.d.supervisor [INFO] Shut down 

Worker log for the same time period:2015-04-15 18:43:16 k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] 
Connected to twig06.twigs:6667 for producing2015-04-15 18:43:16 
k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] Connected to twig08.twigs:6667 for producing2015-04-15 
18:43:16 k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] Connected to twig05.twigs:6667 for 
producing2015-04-15 18:43:16 k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] Disconnecting from 
twig07.twigs:66672015-04-15 18:43:16 k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] Disconnecting from 
twig08.twigs:66672015-04-15 18:43:16 k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] Disconnecting from 
twig05.twigs:66672015-04-15 18:43:16 k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] Disconnecting from 
twig06.twigs:66672015-04-15 18:43:16 k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] Disconnecting from 
twig07.twigs:66672015-04-15 18:43:16 k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] Connected to 
twig07.twigs:6667 for producing2015-04-15 18:43:16 k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] 
Connected to twig06.twigs:6667 for producing2015-04-15 18:43:16 
k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] Connected to twig08.twigs:6667 for producing2015-04-15 
18:43:16 k.p.SyncProducer [INFO] Connected to twig05.twigs:6667 for 
producing2015-04-15 18:44:06 s.k.t.ZkBrokerReader [INFO] brokers need 
refreshing because 60000ms have expired2015-04-15 18:44:06 
s.k.DynamicBrokersReader [INFO] Read partition info from zookeeper: 
1=twig08.twigs:6667, 2=twig05.twigs:6667, 3=twig06.twigs:6667}}2015-04-15 
18:45:14 s.k.t.ZkBrokerReader [INFO] brokers need refreshing because 60000ms 
have expired2015-04-15 18:45:14 s.k.DynamicBrokersReader [INFO] Read partition 
info from zookeeper: 
1=twig08.twigs:6667, 2=twig05.twigs:6667, 3=twig06.twigs:6667}}2015-04-15 
18:54:01 o.a.s.c.r.ExponentialBackoffRetry [WARN] maxRetries too large (30). 
Pinning to 292015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry 
[INFO] The baseSleepTimeMs [100] the maxSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxRetries 
[30]2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] New Netty Client, connect to 
twig07.twigs, 6700, config: , buffer_size: 52428802015-04-15 18:54:01 
b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Reconnect started for 
Netty-Client-twig07.twigs/ [0]2015-04-15 18:54:01 
b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Closing Netty Client 
Netty-Client-twig08.twigs/ 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client 
[INFO] Waiting for pending batchs to be sent with 
Netty-Client-twig08.twigs/, timeout: 600000ms, pendings: 
02015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] connection established to a remote 
host Netty-Client-twig07.twigs/, [id: 0x3a394433, / 
=> twig07.twigs/]2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.d.worker [INFO] Shutting 
down worker burner-trident-1-1429131611 c60221c8-1c96-41b5-9669-4fa8b74fc022 
67002015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Closing Netty Client 
Netty-Client-twig07.twigs/ 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client 
[INFO] Waiting for pending batchs to be sent with 
Netty-Client-twig07.twigs/, timeout: 600000ms, pendings: 
02015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Closing Netty Client 
Netty-Client-twig06.twigs/ 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client 
[INFO] Waiting for pending batchs to be sent with 
Netty-Client-twig06.twigs/, timeout: 600000ms, pendings: 
02015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Closing Netty Client 
Netty-Client-twig05.twigs/ 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client 
[INFO] Waiting for pending batchs to be sent with 
Netty-Client-twig05.twigs/, timeout: 600000ms, pendings: 
02015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.d.worker [INFO] Shutting down receive thread2015-04-15 
18:54:01 o.a.s.c.r.ExponentialBackoffRetry [WARN] maxRetries too large (30). 
Pinning to 292015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry 
[INFO] The baseSleepTimeMs [100] the maxSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxRetries 
[30]2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] New Netty Client, connect to 
localhost, 6700, config: , buffer_size: 52428802015-04-15 18:54:01 
b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Reconnect started for 
Netty-Client-localhost/ [0]2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.m.loader 
[INFO] Shutting down receiving-thread: [burner-trident-1-1429131611, 
6700]2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] connection established to a 
remote host Netty-Client-localhost/, [id: 0x9e468dc6, 
/ => localhost/]2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client 
[INFO] Closing Netty Client Netty-Client-localhost/ 
18:54:01 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Waiting for pending batchs to be sent with 
Netty-Client-localhost/, timeout: 600000ms, pendings: 
02015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.m.loader [INFO] Waiting for 
receiving-thread:[burner-trident-1-1429131611, 6700] to die2015-04-15 18:54:01 
b.s.m.loader [INFO] Shutdown receiving-thread: [burner-trident-1-1429131611, 
6700]2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.d.worker [INFO] Shut down receive thread2015-04-15 
18:54:01 b.s.d.worker [INFO] Terminating messaging context2015-04-15 18:54:01 
b.s.d.worker [INFO] Shutting down executors2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.d.executor 
[INFO] Shutting down executor __acker:[4 4]2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.util [INFO] 
Async loop interrupted!2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.util [INFO] Async loop 
interrupted!2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.d.executor [INFO] Shut down executor 
__acker:[4 4]2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.d.executor [INFO] Shutting down executor 
b-0-To-DC-Sink:[36 36]2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.util [INFO] Async loop 
interrupted!2015-04-15 18:54:01 b.s.util [INFO] Async loop 
interrupted!2015-04-15 18:54:01 c.c.t.b.t.f.FlushingFunction [ERROR] sleeping 
in flushThread interruptedjava.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted     
   at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) [na:1.7.0_75]        at$
 ~[stormjar.jar:na]        at 

|  |
| Grant Overby
Software Engineer
Mobile: 865 724 4910

|  |

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