Hello to all,
I am new to apache storm and have been working with it for the last month
or so. We are trying to design a topology wherein:
- A json message is broken up into multiple parts
- each of these parts is processed in a parallel manner
- the results are aggregated via a Grouping Bolt

This topology needs to work in a synchronous and a asynchronous manner,
meaning that the message can be expected synchronously via a DRPC request
or via a message queue(kafka)

I have the following question:
- Is there a way to achieve the above via a single topology or would I need
to have separate topologies?
- Since DRPC is deprecated is it safe to assume that the best way to code
is through the trident abstraction?
- Using storm primitives is there a way to process a message exactly once?

Lastly, in order to monitor whether a topology is running, I have a script
which invokes the rest api as documented by the link
<https://github.com/apache/storm/blob/master/STORM-UI-REST-API.md>, reads
the response of the topology summary and then based on whether the topology
is present or not, starts or stops the topology on a given server. Is this
way prudent? I am using monit to invoke the script.

Thanks in advance for your help

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