
Where can I find this?
"See for example published single machine benchmarks"

Thank you for your time!

Jeff Maass <>

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 7:57 AM, Nathan Leung <> wrote:

> I'm not very surprised. See for example published single machine
> benchmarks (iirc 1.6 million tuples / s is the official figure from Nathan
> Marz though that figure is a little old). This is spout to bolt and matches
> my observations for trivial cases. With some processing logic and only one
> spout I can see how it's lower.
> You can reduce the overhead by batching your work differently, eg by doing
> more work in each call to nextTuple.
> On May 12, 2015 4:56 AM, "Matthias J. Sax" <>
> wrote:
>> Can you share your code?
>> Do you process a single tuple each time nextTuple() is called? If a
>> spout does not emit anything, Storm applies a waiting-penalty to avoid
>> busy waiting. That might slow down your code.
>> You can configure the waiting strategy:
>> -Matthias
>> On 05/12/2015 09:31 AM, Daniel Compton wrote:
>> > I'm also interested on the answers to this question, but to add to the
>> > discussion, take a look at
>> >
>> .
>> > I suspect Storm is still introducing coordination overhead even running
>> > on a single machine.
>> > On Tue, 12 May 2015 at 1:39 pm
>> > <> <
>> > <>> wrote:
>> >
>> >     __
>> >     Hi and thanks .
>> >
>> >     I'm working on a parrallel algorithm, which is to count massive
>> >     items in data streams. The previous researches on the parallelism of
>> >     this algorithm were focusing on muti-core CPU, however, I want to
>> >     take advantage of Storm.
>> >
>> >     Processing latency is extremly important for this algorithm, and I
>> >     did some evaluation of the perfomance.
>> >
>> >     Firstly,  I implemented the algorithm in java(one thread, with no
>> >     parallelism) and I get the performance : it could process 3 million
>> >     items per second.
>> >
>> >     Secondly,  I wrapped this implement of the algorithm into Storm(just
>> >     one Spout to process) and I get the perfomance: it could process
>> >     only 0.75 million items per second. I changes a little bit of my
>> >     impletment to adapt Storm structure, but in the end the perfomance
>> >     is still not good....
>> >
>> >     ps. I didn't take the network overhead into consideration because I
>> >     just run the program in the single Spout node so that there is no
>> >     emit or transfer.(so I don't care how storm emits messages between
>> >     nodes for now ) The program on Spout is actually doing the same
>> >     thing as the former one.(I just copy the program into the
>> >     NextTuple() method with some necessary changes)
>> >
>> >     1. The degration(1/4 of the speed) is inevitable?
>> >     2. What incurred the degration?
>> >     3. How can I reduce the degration?
>> >
>> >     Thank you all.
>> >
>> >
>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > <>
>> >

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