Hello Folks,

We have a topology currently running in AWS. The Nimbus node was scheduled
for maintenance, which was completed a few hours earlier. After this, the
Topology is running (since the supevisors weren't affected by the
maintenance), but the Nimbus UI isn't reachable and I am assuming the
Nimbus process on the box (if it is running) isn't aware of the existence
of the supervisors and therefore the workers and the Topology.

We have an additional step in the sense that we use Chef for our
deployments, so we need to check that after the maintenance the Nimbus
instance is playing the same 'chef role' as it was before maintenance.

However, I wanted to check if someone had any advice on how to go about
attaching a running topology back to a Nimbus instance which has just been
rebooted. I am not familiar with where Nimbus stores the information about
a running Topology. I am currently working on getting access to Nimbus
machine so that I can check what processes are running over there, but any
advice in the meantime would be much appreciated.


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