Storm releases are presented on this page:

If you are looking at GitHub, you can see different versions of Storm in
the tags. v0.9.4

Thank you for your time!

Jeff Maass <>

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Altaf Bahora <> wrote:

>  Hi. I’d like to try to use Storm 0.10 or Storm 0.11, but neither version
> appears to be on the release page, so I’m a little confused as to what the
> current release version is and what the timeline is for release of Storm
> 0.10 or Storm 0.11. The Changelog on Github Storm master branch shows both
> a version 0.11 and 0.10. However, the latest release on the Storm website
> downloads page is 0.9.4 which doesn’t even appear as a version in the
> Github Storm Changelog.
> Can someone please let me know if 0.10 or 0.11 have been released, and if
> not if there is a planned timeline for release? Also, if 0.9.4 is the
> current latest release version, why does it not appear in the Storm master
> Changelog?
> Thanks,
> -Altaf
> _______________________________
>             *Altaf Bahora*
>            Signafire
>            1221 Ave of the Americas
>             Suite 4200
>            New York, NY 10020
>            Tel: (212) 899-5149
>            Cell: (615) 293-5571
>            Fax: (212) 899-5152
> _______________________________

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