I am using BaseBasicBolt as that was told ack events automatically. Should we 
not use that?

> On 21 May 2015, at 15:24, Cristian Makoto Sandiga <cmsand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you acking in your bolt? collector.ack(input);
> 2015-05-21 11:19 GMT-03:00 Benjamin Cuthbert <cuthbert....@gmail.com 
> <mailto:cuthbert....@gmail.com>>:
> Okay so interesting:
> I have your configuration in my local eclipse and a remote zookeeper that 
> kafka is connected to:
> ZkHosts zkhost = new ZkHosts(“ 
> <>","/brokers");  // /brokers -> kafka broker
> SpoutConfig spoutconfig = new SpoutConfig(“ 
> <>", “/prices", "/brokers", “rawWarehousePriceSpout"); 
> Zookeeper:
> [zk: 80] ls /brokers
> [rawWarehousePriceSpout, topics, ids]
> [zk: 81] ls /brokers/rawWarehousePriceSpout
> []
> [zk: 82]
> Logs i see:
> 41994 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.KafkaUtils - Task 
> [1/1] assigned 
> [Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
> partition=0}, 
> Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
> partition=1}, 
> Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
> partition=2}]
> 41994 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator - 
> Task [1/1] Deleted partition managers: []
> 41994 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator - 
> Task [1/1] New partition managers: 
> [Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
> partition=0}, 
> Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
> partition=1}, 
> Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
> partition=2}]
> 42094 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.PartitionManager - 
> Read partition information from: /brokers/rawWarehousePriceSpout/partition_0  
> --> null
> 42363 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.PartitionManager - 
> No partition information found, using configuration to determine offset
> 42363 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.PartitionManager - 
> Starting Kafka price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:0 from offset 
> 425530
> 42366 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.PartitionManager - 
> Read partition information from: /brokers/rawWarehousePriceSpout/partition_1  
> --> null
> 42400 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.PartitionManager - 
> No partition information found, using configuration to determine offset
> 42400 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.PartitionManager - 
> Starting Kafka price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:1 from offset 
> 550715
> 42401 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.PartitionManager - 
> Read partition information from: /brokers/rawWarehousePriceSpout/partition_2  
> --> null
> 42432 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.PartitionManager - 
> No partition information found, using configuration to determine offset
> 42432 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.PartitionManager - 
> Starting Kafka price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:2 from offset 
> 439547
> 42432 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator - 
> Task [1/1] Finished refreshing
> 44652 [ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1):] INFO  
> org.apache.storm.zookeeper.server.PrepRequestProcessor - Got user-level 
> KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x14d76d4418d000c type:create 
> cxid:0x5 zxid:0x2c txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a Error 
> Path:/brokers/rawWarehousePriceSpout Error:KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for 
> /brokers/rawWarehousePriceSpout
>> On 21 May 2015, at 15:02, Cristian Makoto Sandiga <cmsand...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:cmsand...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Im sorry, i made a mistake
>>              ZkHosts zkhost = new ZkHosts("localhost:2181","/brokers");  // 
>> /brokers -> kafka broker
>>              SpoutConfig spoutconfig = new SpoutConfig(zkhost, 
>> "bid_history", "/brokers", "kafka-spout"); --> storm --> zookeeper 
>> If you see not is a ERROR, is a INFO usually when directory structure not 
>> exist.
>> Take a look  Zookeeper Kaka-broker (port 2181)
>> ----------------------------------
>> -- bin/zookeeper-shell.sh localhost:2181  
>> ls /brokers/topics/bid_history/partitions/0/state
>> []
>> get /brokers/topics/bid_history/partitions/0/state
>> {"controller_epoch":1,"leader":0,"version":1,"leader_epoch":0,"isr":[0]}
>> cZxid = 0x113
>> ctime = Tue May 19 18:19:24 BRT 2015
>> mZxid = 0x113
>> mtime = Tue May 19 18:19:24 BRT 2015
>> pZxid = 0x113
>> cversion = 0
>> dataVersion = 0
>> aclVersion = 0
>> ephemeralOwner = 0x0
>> dataLength = 72
>> numChildren = 0
>> Take a look  Zookeeper Storm-broker (port 2000)
>> ----------------------------------
>> Start topology, send a message and then look:
>> bin/zookeeper-shell.sh localhost:2000
>> Connecting to localhost:2000
>> Welcome to ZooKeeper!
>> JLine support is disabled
>> ls /
>> [storm, brokers, zookeeper]
>> ls /brokers
>> [kafka-spout]
>> ls /brokers/kafka-spout
>> [partition_0]
>> ls /brokers/kafka-spout/partition_0
>> []
>> get /brokers/kafka-spout/partition_0
>> {"topology":{"id":"a9be1962-6b4e-4ed4-ae68-155a1948a1f6","name":"consolidate_reports"},"offset":4426029,"partition":0,"broker":{"host":"localhost","port":9092},"topic":"bid_history"}
>> cZxid = 0x50
>> ctime = Thu May 21 11:00:48 BRT 2015
>> mZxid = 0x50
>> mtime = Thu May 21 11:00:48 BRT 2015
>> pZxid = 0x50
>> cversion = 0
>> dataVersion = 0
>> aclVersion = 0
>> ephemeralOwner = 0x0
>> dataLength = 182
>> numChildren = 0
>> 2015-05-21 10:43 GMT-03:00 Benjamin Cuthbert <cuthbert....@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:cuthbert....@gmail.com>>:
>> Bec I do see this error in the storm logs
>> 5304 [ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1):] INFO  
>> org.apache.storm.zookeeper.server.PrepRequestProcessor - Got user-level 
>> KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x14d76b1ea54000c type:create 
>> cxid:0x5 zxid:0x2c txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a Error 
>> Path:/brokers/rawWarehousePriceSpout Error:KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for 
>> /brokers/rawWarehousePriceSpout
>>> On 21 May 2015, at 14:04, Cristian Makoto Sandiga <cmsand...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:cmsand...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Are you wrong 
>>> zookeeperPath , // the root path in Zookeeper for the spout to store the 
>>> consumer offsets
>>> Is for you KafkaSpout find information about broker meta information ( 
>>> topics, partitions)
>>> You have to override 
>>> SpoutConfig spoutconfig = new SpoutConfig(zkhost, "bid_history", 
>>> "/brokers", "kafka-spout");
>>> spoutconfig.zkServers
>>> spoutconfig.zkPort 
>>> Take a look a KafkaSpout.class and do a debug mode in this part.
>>> 73        Map stateConf = new HashMap(conf);
>>> 74       List<String> zkServers = _spoutConfig.zkServers;
>>>         if (zkServers == null) {
>>>             zkServers = (List<String>) 
>>> conf.get(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS);
>>>         }
>>>         Integer zkPort = _spoutConfig.zkPort;
>>>         if (zkPort == null) {
>>>             zkPort = ((Number) 
>>> conf.get(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT)).intValue();
>>>         }
>>> 2015-05-21 9:53 GMT-03:00 Benjamin Cuthbert <cuthbert....@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:cuthbert....@gmail.com>>:
>>> So when I run it out of eclipse in local mode I am pointing to the same 
>>> zookeeper as I am when it is deployed. Whatever way it still does not write 
>>> the offset.
>>> Only different I have is my spout is configured like so:
>>> BrokerHosts hosts = new ZkHosts(zookeeperQuorum);
>>>             String zookeeperPath = KAFKA_STORM_DIR + "/" + topic;
>>>             SpoutConfig spoutConfig = new SpoutConfig(
>>>                             hosts,
>>>                             topic, // topic to read from
>>>                             zookeeperPath , // the root path in Zookeeper 
>>> for the spout to store the consumer offsets
>>>                             spoutId); // an id for this consumer for 
>>> storing the consumer offsets in Zookeeper
>>>             //Check if we should be consuming messages from the beginning
>>>             spoutConfig.forceFromStart = consumeFromBeginning;
>>>             spoutConfig.maxOffsetBehind = Long.MAX_VALUE;
>>>             spoutConfig.useStartOffsetTimeIfOffsetOutOfRange = true;
>>>             spoutConfig.scheme = new SchemeAsMultiScheme(new 
>>> KafkaAnalyticsMessageDecoder());
>>>> On 21 May 2015, at 13:50, Cristian Makoto Sandiga <cmsand...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:cmsand...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> I have the same problem when i have Storm in Local cluster mode. but is 
>>>> because, Local mode has a zookeeper embedded and every time that restart  
>>>> the offset is null  and is the reason that you have  
>>>> /kafkastorm/warehouse_prices/rawWarehousePriceSpout/partition_2  --> null.
>>>> Try to run Local Mode, send some messages to spout, and then see Offset in 
>>>> Zookeeper (port 2000).
>>>> Or use Zookeeper of kafka, override.
>>>> spoutconfig.zkServers
>>>> spoutconfig.zkPort
>>>> 2015-05-21 9:39 GMT-03:00 Benjamin Cuthbert <cuthbert....@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:cuthbert....@gmail.com>>:
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Yup kafka is creating them on startup when the topics gets its first msg. 
>>>> And from below the storm logs are never really committing the offset to 
>>>> zookeeper. 
>>>> Zookeeper kafka topics details
>>>> [zk: 41] ls 
>>>> /brokers/topics/warehouse_prices/partitions
>>>> [2, 1, 0]
>>>> [zk: 42]
>>>> Zookeeper Storm
>>>> [zk: 42] ls 
>>>> /kafkastorm/warehouse_prices/rawWarehousePriceSpout
>>>> []
>>>> [zk: 43]
>>>> Storm logs
>>>> 44325 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator - 
>>>> Task [1/1] New partition managers: 
>>>> [Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> partition=0}, 
>>>> Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> partition=1}, 
>>>> Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> partition=2}]
>>>> 44491 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Read partition information from: 
>>>> /kafkastorm/warehouse_prices/rawWarehousePriceSpout/partition_0  --> null
>>>> 44746 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - No partition information found, using 
>>>> configuration to determine offset
>>>> 44746 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Last commit offset from zookeeper: 0
>>>> 44747 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Commit offset 0 is more than 
>>>> 9223372036854775807 behind, resetting to startOffsetTime=-2
>>>> 44747 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Starting Kafka 
>>>> price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:0 from offset 0
>>>> 44749 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Read partition information from: 
>>>> /kafkastorm/warehouse_prices/rawWarehousePriceSpout/partition_1  --> null
>>>> 44778 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - No partition information found, using 
>>>> configuration to determine offset
>>>> 44778 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Last commit offset from zookeeper: 0
>>>> 44778 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Commit offset 0 is more than 
>>>> 9223372036854775807 behind, resetting to startOffsetTime=-2
>>>> 44779 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Starting Kafka 
>>>> price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:1 from offset 0
>>>> 44781 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Read partition information from: 
>>>> /kafkastorm/warehouse_prices/rawWarehousePriceSpout/partition_2  --> null
>>>> 44809 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - No partition information found, using 
>>>> configuration to determine offset
>>>> 44809 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Last commit offset from zookeeper: 0
>>>> 44810 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Commit offset 0 is more than 
>>>> 9223372036854775807 behind, resetting to startOffsetTime=-2
>>>> 44810 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.PartitionManager - Starting Kafka 
>>>> price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:2 from offset 0
>>>> 44810 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator - 
>>>> Task [1/1] Finished refreshing
>>>> 47438 [ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1):] INFO  
>>>> org.apache.storm.zookeeper.server.PrepRequestProcessor - Got user-level 
>>>> KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x14d7658db3c000c type:create 
>>>> cxid:0x5 zxid:0x2c txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a Error 
>>>> Path:/kafkastorm/warehouse_prices/rawWarehousePriceSpout 
>>>> Error:KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for 
>>>> /kafkastorm/warehouse_prices/rawWarehousePriceSpout
>>>> 104184 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] WARN  storm.kafka.KafkaUtils - 
>>>> No data found in Kafka Partition partition_0
>>>> 104828 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator 
>>>> - Task [1/1] Refreshing partition manager connections
>>>> 105005 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.DynamicBrokersReader - Read partition info from zookeeper: 
>>>> GlobalPartitionInformation{partitionMap={0=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092,
>>>>  1=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> 2=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092}}
>>>> 105005 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.KafkaUtils - 
>>>> Task [1/1] assigned 
>>>> [Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> partition=0}, 
>>>> Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> partition=1}, 
>>>> Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> partition=2}]
>>>> 105006 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator 
>>>> - Task [1/1] Deleted partition managers: []
>>>> 105006 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator 
>>>> - Task [1/1] New partition managers: []
>>>> 105006 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator 
>>>> - Task [1/1] Finished refreshing
>>>> 164204 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] WARN  storm.kafka.KafkaUtils - 
>>>> No data found in Kafka Partition partition_0
>>>> 165063 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator 
>>>> - Task [1/1] Refreshing partition manager connections
>>>> 165240 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  
>>>> storm.kafka.DynamicBrokersReader - Read partition info from zookeeper: 
>>>> GlobalPartitionInformation{partitionMap={0=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092,
>>>>  1=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> 2=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092}}
>>>> 165240 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.KafkaUtils - 
>>>> Task [1/1] assigned 
>>>> [Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> partition=0}, 
>>>> Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> partition=1}, 
>>>> Partition{host=price-engine-demo-server.c.celertech-01.internal:9092, 
>>>> partition=2}]
>>>> 165240 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator 
>>>> - Task [1/1] Deleted partition managers: []
>>>> 165240 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator 
>>>> - Task [1/1] New partition managers: []
>>>> 165240 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator 
>>>> - Task [1/1] Finished refreshing
>>>> 224233 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] WARN  storm.kafka.KafkaUtils - 
>>>> No data found in Kafka Partition partition_0
>>>> 225308 [Thread-15-rawWarehousePriceSpout] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator 
>>>> - Task [1/1] Refreshing partition manager connections
>>>>> On 21 May 2015, at 13:28, Cristian Makoto Sandiga <cmsand...@gmail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:cmsand...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Zookeeper create nothing when startup, you have to create your partitions 
>>>>> in kafka broker. 
>>>>> bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic 
>>>>> click_history --replication-factor 1 --partitions 10
>>>>> 2015-05-21 8:58 GMT-03:00 Benjamin Cuthbert <cuthbert....@gmail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:cuthbert....@gmail.com>>:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> We changed or paths in zookeeper and we are now seeing
>>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: 
>>>>> org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode = 
>>>>> NoNode for /brokers/topics/warehouse_prices/partitions
>>>>>   at 
>>>>> storm.kafka.DynamicBrokersReader.getBrokerInfo(DynamicBrokersReader.java:81)
>>>>>  ~[storm-kafka-0.9.4.jar:0.9.4]
>>>>>   at storm.kafka.trident.ZkBrokerReader.<init>(ZkBrokerReader.java:42) 
>>>>> ~[storm-kafka-0.9.4.jar:0.9.4]
>>>>>   at storm.kafka.KafkaUtils.makeBrokerReader(KafkaUtils.java:57) 
>>>>> ~[storm-kafka-0.9.4.jar:0.9.4]
>>>>>   at storm.kafka.KafkaSpout.open(KafkaSpout.java:87) 
>>>>> ~[storm-kafka-0.9.4.jar:0.9.4]
>>>>>   at 
>>>>> backtype.storm.daemon.executor$fn__3371$fn__3386.invoke(executor.clj:522) 
>>>>> ~[storm-core-0.9.4.jar:0.9.4]
>>>>>   at backtype.storm.util$async_loop$fn__460.invoke(util.clj:461) 
>>>>> ~[storm-core-0.9.4.jar:0.9.4]
>>>>>   at clojure.lang.AFn.run(AFn.java:24) [clojure-1.5.1.jar:na]
>>>>>   at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744) [na:1.7.0_51]
>>>>> Should this not be discovered by the Spout on startup? 

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