I also developed a prototype/proof-of-concept (read: duck tape and bailer 
twine) for running Storm on YARN.

I took a slightly different approach than Yahoo’s storm-yarn and Slider which 
from a high level allow you to spin up a Storm cluster on top of YARN. In my 
PoC a topology is treated as a single YARN application — you use a specialized 
`storm jar` command to submit a topology and request the resources that will be 
dedicated to that topology. Behind the scenes it spins up the necessary 
resources to run the topology — essentially a Storm cluster where all worker 
slots, resources, etc. are dedicated to a single topology. That approach makes 
it easier to deal with things like multi-tenancy.

The way I did it was to develop YARN-aware implementations of the INimbus and 
ISupervisor interfaces that talked to the YARN resource manager, very similar 
to the approach Nathan took with storm-mesos. The ultimate goal was to 
implement elastic scaling of a topology based on demand, SLAs, etc., similar to 
what Bobby described.

Unfortunately, I haven’t had much time to develop it further, though I hope to 
revive it at some point in the future.


On May 27, 2015, at 10:06 AM, Bobby Evans <ev...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

> Mesos is very similar to YARN.  It is a resource scheduler.  Storm in the 
> past had support for mesos, through a separate repo
> https://github.com/nathanmarz/storm-mesos
> it might still work with the latest versions of storm.  I don't know.  The 
> concept here is that there was a special layer installed that would look for 
> when the cluster had outstanding requests and not enough resources to meet 
> those requests.  It would then request that many resources from mesos, launch 
> supervisors on those nodes and let the scheduler do the rest.  It works quire 
> well for elasticity at a small scale, or when you have a lot more network 
> bandwidth than you need.  The problem is if mesos, or YARN, or open-stack, or 
> EC2, or ... collocates your storm topology with some big batch job that 
> suddenly saturates the network for a few seconds to a min heartbeats could 
> start to time out, traffic would not flow from one worker to another, etc.  
> For some topologies all you do is tune your timeouts so workers don't get 
> shot and relaunched too frequently and live with the noise from other stuff 
> happening on the network.  For us though we have some very tight SLAs, if the 
> data is 5 seconds old throw it away I cannot use it any more.  
> My current goal with storm in this area is to have it be aware of the 
> resources that your topology is using, the SLAs that it has, its desired 
> budget for resources, how far over that budget it is willing to go,  Where it 
> could possibly get other resources if needed (i.e. YARN, Mesos, Open Stack), 
> and any other constraints it might have.  Storm would then take all of this 
> into account and adjust the scheduling of your topology so that it can grow 
> and shrink with the resources it needs to meet the SLAs it has, optionally 
> taking some of those resources from other systems if needed.  This is still a 
> ways out, but looking at the research that is being done in this area it 
> should be doable in the next year or so.
> - Bobby 
> On Wednesday, May 27, 2015 8:38 AM, Jeffery Maass <maas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have heard Nathan Marz mention Mesos.
> How is yarn / storm-yarn / slider-yarn different from Mesos?
> These are the links I found to Mesos:
> https://github.com/mesos/storm
> https://github.com/nathanmarz/storm-mesos
> http://mesos.apache.org/
> Thank you for your time!
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> Jeff Maass
> linkedin.com/in/jeffmaass
> stackoverflow.com/users/373418/maassql
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 8:28 AM, Bobby Evans <ev...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> storm-yarn was originally done as a proof of concept.  We had plans to take 
> it further, but the amount of work required to make it production ready on a 
> very heavily used cluster was more then we were willing to invest at the 
> time.  Most of that work was around network scheduling, isolation and 
> prioritization, mainly in YARN itself.  There has been some work looking into 
> this, but nothing much has happened with it.  At the same time 
> http://slider.incubator.apache.org/ showed up and is now the preferred way to 
> run Storm on YARN.  To get around the networking issues most people will tag 
> a subset of their cluster, a few racks, and only schedule storm to run on 
> those nodes.  Long term I really would like to revive storm on yarn, and 
> integrate it directly into storm.  Giving storm and the scheduler the ability 
> to request new resources with specific constraints opens up a lot of new 
> possibilities.  If you want to help out, or if anyone else wants to help out 
> with this work, I would be very happy to file some JIRA in open source and 
> help direct what needs to be done. 
> - Bobby 
> On Wednesday, May 27, 2015 4:59 AM, Spico Florin <spicoflo...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm interesting in running the storm topologies on yarn. 
> I was looking at the yahoo project https://github.com/yahoo/storm-yarn, and I 
> could observed that there is no activity since 7 months ago. Also, the issues 
> and requests lists are not updated.
> Therefore I have some questions:
> 1. Is there any plan to evolve this project?
> 2. Is there any plan to integrate this project in the main branch?
> 3. Is someone using this approach in production ready mode?
> I look forward for your answers.
>  Regards,
>  Florin

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