Did you know that a horse can race a human and the human will win -- in the
first several yards?  Spread out the race longer and the horse will always

The tests being run aren't covering enough situations.  Storm was designed
to take business code and scale it out in order to handle massive amounts
of data.  Try increasing your records per minute by a thousand fold and see
how local mode functions versus cluster mode and business code spread out
over multiple nodes.

Thank you for your time!

Jeff Maass <maas...@gmail.com>

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Denis DEBARBIEUX <ddebarbi...@norsys.fr>

>  Dear all,
> I measured the performance of my topology written in pure storm (no
> trident). I compared it in local mode and then in cluster. The two
> experiements were done on the same single server (deployed with docker in
> cluster configuration). The result was that *the local mode is 20 times
> faster than in cluster configuration.*
> I am surprised about it. What could I do to improve the performance on the
> cluster?
> Thanks for your help.
> D. Debarbieux
> ------------------------------
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> L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le
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