Please note that it is just our team's approach.
We install Storm by Ansible, which sets up configuration files, too.
Based on Ansible, we're maintaining symbolic link which points last
installed version of Storm. It means that we install clean version of Storm
for each upgrade, and change symbolic link to newly installed.

Btw, Storm 0.9.5 only contains storm-core bugfixes, so you would be safe to
just replacing storm-core file.

Hope this helps.

Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

2015년 6월 27일 토요일, Dillian Murphey<>님이 작성한 메시지:

> How do I upgrade from .0.9.4 to .0.9.5. Some of the engineers copied libs
> into the lib directory. No idea if this will post a problem. I don't know
> what to copy over from the lib directory and I don't want to overwrite
> .0.9.5 files with the same name.
> I guess I make sure i don't have a storm-core.0.9.4 in my .0.9.5 lib
> directory. There is also a storm-kafka.0.9.4, but I don't know if that is
> part of the storm dist or if the engineers here added it.
> thanks for any ideas.

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