Hello storm users,

We have a simple topology with one kafka-spout and a series of 5 bolts.

First bolt receives ~3K tuples/second from kafka-spout and emits only
~500/second. The last bolt processes very less tuples (~100 a hour) and it
sends output to kafka. The execute latencies in all bolts are very low.

The issue we are seeing:

After the last bolt processes about 2500 tuples, it stops receiving
anything. So all those tuples which are emitted by the previous bolt do not
get acked and it shows up as failed messages in kafka-spout. Now
kafka-spout starts replaying these failed tuples and it keeps failing every
time because the last bolt is not processing anything at all.

If we restart the topology, it starts processing normally till the last
bolt again hits around 2500 tuples. This has happened 2-3 times and every
time the number of messages after it stop is around 2500.

In all the bolts we are acking all tuples (catching throwable everywhere
and logging it and acking the tuple). We don’t see any failures in any of
the bolts.

Has anyone ever seen anything similar? What could be causing this last bolt
to not receive any tuples at all after a certain number of messages?



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