Hi Nitin,

In Cassandra documentation[1], it is mentioned to increase the number of
open files using ulimit which is a system (Linux) level setting.



On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 7:13 PM, nitin sharma <kumarsharma.ni...@gmail.com>

> HI,
> Has anyone worked on Storm - Cassandra setup? in my project Storm bolt
> will inject messages to Cassandra using Datax driver.
> We have observed that a single bolt executor thread is able to provide a
> throughput of 16 transactions per sec.. I.e - a single bolt executor thread
> is able to handle 16 tuple messages, process them and write to Cassandra in
> 1 sec.
> to meat our load requirement, we need nearly 100 executor thread.. But our
> problem is that after 32 executor thread, we start getting following error
> message while deploying the Storm topology..
> “java.net.SocketException: Too many open files”
> Has anyone faced this issue earlier? any suggestions?
> Regards,
> Nitin Kumar Sharma.

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