You emit like this:

collector.emit(new Values(yourBeanInstanceHere));

You just need to wrap it in a Values object.

On Sep 16, 2015 9:37 AM, "Ankur Garg" <> wrote:

> Hi ,
> I am new to apache Storm . To understand it I was looking at storm
> examples provided in the storm tutorial (
>  .
> In all the examples , we are emitting prmitive types (String,int etc) as
> Tuples .
> In my use case I am having a Java Object which i want to emit as tuple to
> bolts .
> I am not sure how to do it . It seems I have to implement a custom Tuple
> producer to convert java Object to Values .
> Can anyone provide me some example how to do that :
> For ex my Java Object is :
> class Bean
> {
>     int A ;
>     String B;
>      Bean2 b;
>    //setters and getters
> }
> and Class Bean2
> {
>    //Some Attributes
> }
> Now , in my nextTuple() method for Spout , I have an instance of Bean
> object .
> How do I translate into Tuple and emit it and consume it through my bolt.
> Any ideas please.
> Thanks
> ankur

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