Off the top of my head, I would:

- have a Storm topology ready listening on kafka. If you have a few minutes
between kafka event and delivery of processed input to clients, I would
rather not waste time starting up the topology.
- Not implement 1000 topologies. That's at least 1000 jvms. Is the
processing in the internal bolts the same or similar enough that the whole
requirement can be solved with a single topology that has 3 types of bolts,
each of them paralelized as far as your cluster hardware can bear?

Can you provide more information?


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:10 AM, bhasker datta <> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:53 AM, bhasker datta <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am working on a storm topology where I need to build multiple
>> topologies for different client locations.
>> I have a Kafka server producing data that needs to reach remote client
>> machine(after some transformation in the bolts). There are about 1000 of
>> those clients.
>> when there is new data produced in the Kafka, the clients need to get
>> that data in few minutes.
>> There is some transformation that needs to happen (which can be handled
>> by the bolts) and the data is sent to the remote client via websocket.
>> e.g: Kafka server -> Kafka spout -> Bolt1 -> bolt2 -> bolt3 -> websocket
>> (on a client machine)
>> I have 1000 client machines.
>> I am hoping that this topology can be dynamically created per client.
>> When the client is ready, can they initiate this topology and start reading
>> the data?
>> or can these topologies (1000 of them) be created on the storm and ready
>> to send the data?
>> Is this architecture possible with Storm?
>> How efficient is this?
>> Is the Strom setup manageable?
>> thanks for your response.
>> Bhasker

Javier González Nicolini

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