
I was able to fix this issue on my setup. As Shivendra suggested in his
mail, it is the current working directory of supervisor process that causes
the issue.

The script that I use to start supervisor(wrapper script on
$STORM_HOME/bin/storm) switches from root user to storm user before the
supervisor is started. During the switching the current working directory
of supervisor process got set to /root due to a mistake that I committed in
my wrapper script.

In the wrapper script I tried to preserve the environment of root user
which made the current working directory of supervisor process to point to
/root. You can issue the following command after replacing <supervisor-pid>
with process id of supervisor to find the current working directory of
sudo ls -l /proc/<supervisor-pid>/cwd

After modifying the script to use the environment variables of storm user
during the switching, I found that the current work directory of supervisor
is set to /home/storm. This change in the script helped me to fix the issue.

Richards Peter.
  • Superv... Rakesh Gande -X (rgande - CAPGEMINI INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED at Cisco)
    • R... Prajwal Tuladhar
      • ... Shivendra Singh
        • ... Richards Peter
          • ... Richards Peter

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